Healed Wounds

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A blue blur sped through the forest, away from the scene it'd witnessed, it kept running.

The blur burst through the treeline and sped up, at the last second it halted and burst through a door.

The Glaceon ran straight to her bedroom and planted her face in her pillow, the tears unstoppable. They flowed down her face like a burst dam, she couldn't calm down. Why? Is this my fault? Why did I assume that? It's my fault. It's my fault he's gone. What have I done? 

A Vaporeon walked into the room, and silently walked to Crystal, she rested a hand on her back, "What happened?" She spoke softly, Crystal tried to calm down then spoke up,
"H-He's gone..." She managed to say through the tears, she looked up at the Vaporeon, "Lunar is gone." She repeated. The Water-Type looked at her,
"What do you mean? He ran away?" Hypro asked, the Ice-Type shook her head,
"No. I mean... He's... dead." Crystal began to cry more while Hypro attempted to comfort her.
"How do you know he's dead? He could've fainted." She said in a feeble attempt to reassure her friend. "HE HAD A KNIFE IN HIS CHEST." She screamed, picturing the horrible scene, "HE WAS IN A POOL OF BLOOD. HE WASN'T BREATHING! THAT SOUNDS PRETTY DEAD TO ME!" Crystal finished as she put her face in her pillow again, more tears escaping. Hypro didn't know what to say, she just stayed silent and rubbed Crystal's back.

Jinx walked through the front door and up into the room, "What happened with her?" Crystal looked up at her.
"You." She said,
"What?" Jinx looked confused with Crystal's response,
"You happened. When you chased Lunar out he ran into the centre and he g-got attacked."
"By who?"
"EVERYONE!" Crystal screamed, her eyes were bloodshot and full of rage and sorrow,
"What? I only told a few people..." Jinx said quietly, Crystal looked betrayed,
"That's not all. Because of your gossip and threats, Lunar is d-dead." she said, regret and sadness, plastered all over her voice. She looked at Jinx with disappointment. Jinx stared back. Nothing in her eyes, the light, friendly Sylveon showed no remorse for her ways. The Vaporeon stayed silent, not wanting to get involved. The Ice-Type asked; "Why? You didn't give him a chance! That sentence would've been the decider between life and death! But you don't care do you?" She spoke harshly,
"Correct, I don't care. Why do you care so much?" Jinx said casually, Crystal began to get annoyed, "Because I fucking listened to him, Jinx. He reasoned with me. He was having trouble with his past and pushed himself too far during the battle and tried to not faint afterwards, that's why he didn't do anything. Because his energy was depleted. He was sorry about what he did and ran because of the way I looked at him, then one thing led to another, then you chased him, he got jumped and ended up taking his own life... If I was a few minutes sooner... things would've been different... But now he's g-gone..." Once she'd finished, she looked up at Jinx, she read her face, it showed surprise. "He... He did care?" Jinx said, she looked upset and dazed. 
"Yes, and because of our ways... he's gone..." Crystal began to tear up again, and looked away.

Ruby began to stir, she opened her eyes and looked around, recalling the situation at hand, she remembered that Lunar was dying. She shot her eyes wide open and looked his way... he was... White? With green rings? What is this? She thought, the Umbreon was slumped in a chair, his fur was a pristine white, his rings slowly flashed, they were a minty-green colour, not his usual yellow highlights, he had a strange white mist surrounding him, he was still asleep. Ruby checked the time and noticed she'd slept for about an hour. She prepared to halt the transfusion. She locked her cannula and gave it a minute to let the remaining blood try and dribble into his veins, then she disconnected the tube, holding the end in the air, then did the same with Lunar's cannula. She threw the tube into a contamination bucket and locked the hatch, she walked back and checked the monitor, his heart beat was a healthy 90 and is oxygen levels were 94, she rendered this safe and revoked the oxygen. She took a disinfectant wipe and cleaned the cannula bung. She sat back down and looked at her brother, well she tried to. The white aura began to get brighter, it came to a point where she couldn't look straight at it. She looked away then waited for the glow to fade. Once it dissipated, she looked back at the Umbreon, his fur was once again, jet black and his yellow rings glowed ambiently. His eyes fluttered open, he lifted his arm to rub them, he looked up at the Espeon sat in front of him. 

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