Private Healthcare

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The Umbreon and Espeon stared at each other in disbelief, the Espeon began to tear up. Lunar tackle hugged her, careless of his new found wounds, he hugged his sister for the first time in years. "I can't believe it... You're alive?!" Lunar said, he too began crying, "Where have you been for the past 6 years?!" Ruby hugged Lunar tighter,
"I wanted to start over... I-I didn't want to live there anymore, I wanted to disappear and be another pokemon, have a-another chance at l-life..." Ruby's voice began to break as she broke down. Lunar stopped crying and began to comfort the Psychic pokemon. She quickly ceased her tears and released the hug, she sat down in front of Lunar and explained herself...

"After the rock fell, I managed to avoid snapping my spine, I jumped off the side of the mountain and angled my fall into a pond, there I had two options, I could come back to you, Gem & Spark or leave like I had wished I could for years... We both know how that ended up. I left the pond and ran south, I ended up in a neighbouring forest, Forest Aqueous, I didn't stay there, I felt like that was too close, I ran south for another 58 miles and ended up in Forest Grotto, I decided to live there for a while. I lived in a nearby cave and got a job in Grotto, I worked in a berry store for a year, I had saved 13k Poke, then I bought a den. I lived in that den for the next 3 years, working in that berry store. I saved more Poke and ended up with 35k Poke, I decided to move away, soon I came across Sugarcoat, I lived in the main forest for 1 year, studying medicine and pokemon anatomy. Then I graduated, top of my class, and moved away to a house nearby, you're lucky I found you... Who knows what would of happened to you..." 

"How did you heal me so well?"

"Well, I studied Eeveelution anatomy mainly as a project, so I was familiar with the healthcare procedures, when I saw the state you were in, I got my supplies, I took out a syringe of adrenaline, it increases your heart rate and blood flow. You're pulse was weak so, that was my first instinct to keep you alive. Next I set your broken foreleg back into position, and then set it with ice, then bandaged it. Then I injected some health serum into your muscle, this increases the rate you heal. After, I set your rib cage, then I did the same thing, injected you with serum. Then I noticed your cut, I disinfected it and put a gauze on it, the gauze acts as a bandage but allows more air flow, then I secured it with a bandage." Ruby replied, she stood up to end the conversation, "Would you like something to eat or drink maybe?" She asked Lunar,

"Do you have any Cheri berries?" Lunar asked
"Yup! Coming right up!" Ruby walked away to get Lunar some berries, while he waited, he took a look at the anatomy charts on the wall, he looked at the Umbreon one, it had notes dotted all around the picture, signalling nerves and main arteries, it also stated some basic health procedures for broken bones, Lunar read it and, sure enough, it said the exact steps Ruby took on him. He glanced at the Glaceon one, he remembered the way Crystal looked at him, those piercing eyes hurt him, they only showed disgust, Lunar hated himself for not doing anything, but also thanked himself for not doing anything, after all, he found Ruby, well, she found him...
It was all too much for Lunar's Moonlight brain to comprehend. Then, he made a decision, he would leave tomorrow and find Crystal, he wanted to right his wrongs, he wanted to fix this...

"Here you go!" Ruby called as she brought in a bowl of Cheri berries and set them on the table, "Ah, I see you've found my work, impressive right?" Ruby walked over to him, she pointed out some things on the charts. Then she showed him more of her work that lay on the desk, it was bodily detail on all the Eeveelutions, it labeled organs, nerves, bones, you name it, it was there. Ruby pointed something out to Lunar from a female diagram; "That's a sweet spot!" Ruby said as she nudged Lunar, "Shut up Ruby, I'm a big boy now, I know about girls!" He said and stared blankly at the Espeon, seconds later they both broke and burst into laughter, Lunar sat down and Ruby sat next to him, both were still giggling, Ruby calmed down and said; "So, what happened to you after all these years?" Lunar explained how they'd looked for months before despair, then his journey to Sugarcoat and what happened with Crystal, "Hmm... do you think she'll forgive you?" Ruby asked, 
"I hope so... I like her, a lot..." Lunar said, Ruby nuzzled him and said;
"It'll be fine, just don't worry about it!" She said cheerfully, Lunar yawned, "I think I'm going to sleep,"
"I have a guest room if you'd like to stay in there," She suggested, Lunar shook his head,
"Thank you but I'd like to sleep outside, It's nice under the moon," He reasoned.
"That's fair, well goodnight!" Ruby said as she too, yawned. Ruby headed upstairs and Lunar out through the backdoor, he jumped on a fuse box and onto the roof, he admired the moon and stars before shutting off his rings and closing his eyes.


Well, hello again. What did I say? I'd update tomorrow, and guess what? I DID!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did :)
See you tomorrow, or Wednesday, maybe even see you in a minute! I might work on chapter.. 7? I think it'll be C7 

Luv ya

Date Published: 03/02/2020

Final Word Count: 1006

Time Taken to write: <2 hours

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