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"LUNARRR!!!" Was the last thing he heard, before his ears were filled with the calming but terrifying sound of rapid wind.

Lunar opened his eyes, seeing the ground fast approaching.

He let out a yelp in fear and mistakenly stuck his paws out, as if they were going to break his fall.

Lunar braced for impact and squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for him to hit the ground and the violent pain that would ensue.


A bright orb consumed Lunar and he disappeared from existence, leaving nothing but a white mist behind. 

Lunar landed gently on the ground, feeling no pain at all. 

He lifted his head in confusion, "Huh?" He mumbled, quickly glancing around, seeing nothing but white. He looked down at the ground, finding it wasn't actually there, instead it appeared that he was floating on something.

He glanced around and saw a set of electric blue eyes, they looked into Lunar's for a second before they evidently displayed a grin, "Gotcha." A distorted voice called out.

"Brace." They then ordered, causing only further confusion for the Umbreon before he felt a strong urge to follow the order and braced himself. 

The set of eyes vanished and he was flung forwards, emerging from the dream-like reality through a ball of darkness, a deathly black mist following suit.

Lunar opened his eyes again and quickly took in the drastic change of location and atmosphere, seeing the Mightyena with a distressed Nova atop his back. Lunar burst out of the portal and landed cleanly onto all four paws, immediately breaking out into a run. 

The Dark types' paths crossed eventually and Lunar used quick attack last second, hitting the Mightyena's left side with full force, sending him flying into a tree nearby. Nova fell off of his back and landed in a heap on the floor before scrambling to her dainty paws and scampering straight onto Lunar's back, grabbing onto his scruff. 

The Mightyena let out a disgruntled grumble and attempted to get to his paws. Lunar snickered and shot off a powerful dark pulse, sending him flying straight through the trunk and crashing into another tree further on. His badly beaten body crumpled on the floor, his hind leg twitching slightly.

Nova looked up and squeaked at the sight of the Mightyena and the environmental damage before covering her eyes with Lunar's ear. 

He looked up at the Eevee and chuckled before trotting back the other way, running into the tired duo of Crystal and Hypro, "How... How did you beat us here?" Hypro asked, huffing and puffing, Lunar simply shrugged it off and walked up to Crystal, giving her cheek a lick and earning a giggle from the ice type. 

Nova's ears shot up at the recognition of Crystal's voice and she leaped off of Lunar's back and ran up to the Glaceon's leg, squeaking something both adorable and eye-opening, "Mummyyyy!!!" Nova squealed before she hugged the Glaceon's leg tightly.

Crystal and Lunar's eyes both widened in surprise as a blush flooded their cheeks. Hypro was still processing what the Eevee just said before simply saying, "Huh?" in confusion.

"U-Uhm... h-hey Nova!" Crystal said, a waver in her tone, before she bit Nova's scruff and lifted her up onto the Glaceon's back.

All three of them decided not to say anything about what Nova had said and simply tried to forget about it on the quiet walk back.

Crystal suddenly let out a snigger and said to Lunar, "Arceus, what on earth were you two up to Lunar?~" with a teasing tone.

Lunar looked at her and raised an eyebrow before she snickered at his reaction and looked away, facing the way they were heading.

Lunar looked back, still thinking about what she was on about before his thoughts eventually landed on something 10 minutes later. He gasped and held back his laugh before turning to Crystal and smacking the back of her head, "Crystal! There's kids around!" He said with a chuckle before he nodded in Hypro's direction, both of them looking at the clueless Vaporeon studying the dirt with some sort of great interest.

Crystal snickered before she smacked the back of Lunar's head in return and replied with, "Lunar! Don't be so mean!" before both of them broke out into laughter.

Hypro looked towards the two laughing, missing the context but seeing her friends laughing made her giggle a little herself.

About an hour later, they had returned to the spot they started off at. Lunar let out a tired sigh and dropped onto his rump, giving his sore legs some rest for a few minutes as Crystal padded over to him, gently sliding the sleeping Eevee onto the ground and sitting next to Lunar. 

Hypro eventually turned up and quickly bounded for the water before jumping into it and shouting, "See you guys later!" then swimming away, presumably home. Lunar and Crystal gave her a wave and watched her disappear and swim off.

Lunar drifted off into thought, trying to figure out what happened after he fell, failing to remember much of it, only the distorted voice and sudden urge to follow its every command, albeit it was only one.

Meanwhile, Crystal leaned on Lunar and nuzzled his cheek as she stroked the sleeping Eevee's soft fur, looking sideways at the dreaming Umbreon. 

She giggled and kissed Lunar on the cheek before noticing that the sun was low in the sky, indicating it was evening. "Psst, hey." She whispered, gently breaking Lunar out of his daydream.

"Huh?" He said, Crystal smiled before slowly clambering to her paws again, "C'mon it's getting late, we should get going." She suggested. Lunar looked up and then nodded in agreement before looking down at the Eevee, "Want me to carry her for you?" He offered.

"That would be nice." Crystal replied, leaning forwards and groaning as she stretched out her aching back. Lunar smiled and lifted Nova onto his back, wondering if there was anything more to the 'vee's story. 

The duo began to walk back home, the setting sun behind them as they walked quietly, both of them in thought and absentmindedly looking around.

As they neared Crystal's home, the Glaceon in question was first to break the silence with a question, "What really happened back there?" 

Lunar looked towards her, seeing she wasn't finished. "I-I mean... I saw you fall and I heard you scream... then once I reached the edge not long after I saw you disappear. What was that?" She finished.

"Huh... good question..." Lunar simply replied, trailing off into thought again, trying harder to remember anything he could about the mysterious white realm and the owner of the distorted voice.


Hai :3

Sorry this chap is shorter, I've decided to lower my minimum word-count to about 1K - 1.5K per chapter so I can squeeze out as much as possible for you all :)

I hope you enjoyed this shorter instalment and if you have any feedback, please feel free to let me know in the comments or PM me :P

With that being said and done, 
See you all next time!

- Ex.

Date Published - 08/01/2021

Final word count - 1176

Time taken to write - abt 1 hour

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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