Day 5- explaining

496 15 10

Sebastian p.o.v

I wake up and see Jess sleeping beside me. I wonder why she's there until I remember last night and what happened earlier that day.

Ciel and Jess were talking about my child hood and I was stuck in a flashback  until Jess brought me out of it. I didn't want her to leave so I asked her to stay and I didn't want to be alone. I feel Jess move so I look down and she wakes up.

"Morning Jess" I say.

"Morning Sebby are you alright your not going to shut everyone out again are you?" She asks.

"I'm good and no I'm not going to shut everyone out again I'm going to tell Ciel about what happened in my past but can you be with me as you know it's a sensitive subject." I ask. I really don't want to be alone when I talk about this.

"Of course I will never leave you." Jess says. I smile.

"What did I do to get a great sister like you?" I ask.

"I don't know what you did but I'm here and always will be."

"Thank you Jess."

"Your welcome."

"Anyway I need to go and wake Ciel and make breakfast." I say whilst getting up and heading to the door. I head downstairs and head to the kitchen. I see the other servants already there.

"Morning everyone." They all jump at my sudden appearance.

"Are you alright?" They ask in unison.

"Yes I'm fine now can you all leave the kitchen so I can make breakfast." I say.

"Yes mister Sebastian." The servants say and leave. As they walk out I see the concern looks on their faces. 

"I thought you weren't going to shut anyone out." Jess says coming into the kitchen.

"I'm not I got them to leave so I can make a breakfast." I say. As I start to cook.


I finish cooking and put the food on the tray and head upstairs. I go to ciels room and walk in with Jess behind me.

"Morning ciel." I say whilst opening the curtains.

"Morning Sebastian are you ok after yesterday?" Ciel asks sleepily.

"Yes I'm fine but about yesterday I'm going to explain what happened and my child hood." I say and he wakes up instantly. I hand him the food and he takes it.




"So when I was little I was always getting kidnapped by people who wanted my father's throne they thought that he was getting weak because he had me. When people kidnapped me I was tortured by them. That's why I got my true form earlier than others." I start. I take a breath before continuing.

"Your true form is supposed to come around the age of 16 but I got mine at 8. I was 8 years early."

"Wow that was early. Were you having a flashback yesterday?" Ciel asks.

"Yes I was. It was the one when I  got my true form. When I get flashbacks no one can get me out of them except Jess." I say.

"Mom and dad have tried when I first started having them when I was little but they cant. I thought you could get him to snap out of it but you can't either." Jess says to Ciel.

"I don't know why either but no one can get me to come out of it." I say.

"Ok what should I do if you have a flashback and Jess isn't around?"

"They hardly ever come but if they do Jess can get me out if it from the other side of the world."

"How do you know that?" Ciel asks.

"It's happened before." Jess says.

"That makes sense is there anything else I should know?"

"You could tell him your real name." Jess says.


"My real name is Raven." I say.

"Your real name is Raven?"

"Yes but please don't call me it."


"It brings back memories I want to forget." I say with a shudder.

"Ok sorry." 

"It's fine now eat your breakfast and get out of bed." I say.


A/n hey guys sorry for the long wait hope you enjoyed see you next time. 🖤💙

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