Day 4- bonding

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Ciel p.o.v

Sebastian asked me and Jess to have some bonding time since we haven't had any not since we met. I also what to know about Sebastian's past.

"Hey Jess what was Sebastian like when he was young?" I ask. She almost immediately stiffened and looked uncomfortable by that question.

"I'm sorry but Sebby will have to tell you himself if you want to know." I obviously looked confused. "I only know what happened before I was kidnapped and let's say it wasn't good he got his true demon form before everyone his age that's all I can say." She says 

I see Sebastian come in with some food and he is visually tense I think he heard what we were talking about. He leaves without a word to me or Jess.

"Anyway let's move away from that subject he will tell you when the time is right. Now let's talk about things we are meant to talk about. So Ciel tell me about yourself what made you fall in love with Sebby?"

"Well one day I started noticing little things he did for me. Like he fixed my ring when Elizabeth broke it I didn't even ask him to do it then I woke up to him kissing me." I say

"Awww you two are so meant to be to be together." She says.

I blush at the comment. We talked about random stuff for hours on end. We finally stopped talking at sundown.

I went to mine and Sebastian's room. I see him sitting in the corner with his knees to his chest and shaking. I decided to go up to him.

"Sebastian?" I ask but he doesn't answer.

"Sebastian" I shout. He still doesn't answer so I decided to go to Jess and told her what's happening. Her eyes went wide and she looked worried.

"Oh no." Was all she said and rushed out of the door. I raced out of there with her. When i got to the room I see Jess sitting on the floor next to Sebastian with her forehead on his.

Jess p.o.v

Sebastian was having a flashback from when he was young which is bad because it was when he turned into his to form so he could now. I rushed to his and Ciels room. When I got there he was already changing to his demon form.

I rushed to his side and placed my forehead on his and looked into his flashback. Out of all the flashbacks I've looked into this is the worst one I've seen. I see Sebastian chained down to a table and being beaten and cut. Then a demon sword showed up and cut his arm.

I see demonic nature coming from Sebastian so this is what turned him into his true form. If he doesn't snap out of it he will turn into his true form in the real world and he will be back to when he was young and won't speak to anyone for months. 

I decided to walk over and talk to him.

"Sebastian this isn't real wake up." I say

"Jess is that you?"

"Yes it's me please wake up."

"Ok I will try for you." He says.

Everything went black and I woke up with Sebastian by my side and everyone by the door.

"Everyone leave him alone for a while." I say and everyone leaves. I feel Sebastian's head on my shoulder and he is drifting in and out of consciousness. I was about to leave when Sebastian said.

"Stay with me Jess." He says as he wraps his arms around me.

"Ok Sebby." I say and kiss him on the head before falling asleep as well.

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