Chapter 12

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Charli's POV:
No! He knows I'm lying. What am I supposed to do now? I don't like not telling anybody how I'm feeling. When I bottle things up and hold them in, I dwell on things and think too much about them and they end up braking me down. I climbed off of Chase and sat on the bed with my back to him. "Char, you need to talk to me, I can't help you if I don't know what the problem is in the first place" he said softly while placing his hand on my shoulder. Everything he was saying made sense but I couldn't bring myself to tell him.

I stood up quick before he could stop me and I ran out the room hearing him call my name after me. I ran into someone in the corridor and they grabbed me holding me still.

Nick's POV:
I was heading to my room when Charli came bursting out of her room and ran into me in the corridor. I held her up stopping her from falling and made sure she had her balance before I let go. She had a terrified expression on her face and I could see the worry in her eyes. They immediately started filling up with tears and she collapsed into my shoulder and burst into tears. "Charli what's wrong?" I asked but she just cried harder.

Chase came running out of the room with a shocked expression on his face. What could have happened? Did he do something to her? He wouldn't, would he? I pulled Charli into my room so she could calm down.

She eventually did and I said again "Charli I really need to know what's wrong!" She really didn't want to tell me but after she did it seemed as though it's been on her mind a long time and she had been wanting to tell someone. She told me all about all the hate she gets and how she hasn't eaten as well as how insecure she is about her body. She told me that she doesn't think she deserves someone as good as Chase and she's terrified he's going to leave her for someone that's slimmer or prettier. She didn't want to talk to him about any of it because he might think she's weak or can't handle a little bit of hate. She thinks he already finds her annoying because of how much she had cried over the last few weeks.

I just sat and listened comprehending what she was telling me. Eventually, I think she had let it all out and I said "Firstly Charli, I know for a fact that you and Chase deserve each other, you are both great people and I don't think I've ever known two people that get along so well. You don't have to worry one bit about your weight either and it's not stupid that the hate gets to you because I know that you get 10 times the amount any of us do. But I do have to say that it's not a very healthy relationship if you don't feel comfortable talking to Chase about any of this. I've known him a long time and if you just opened up to him then he would do everything he can to help because that's just the kind of guy he is. He would do anything for you Charli and I don't think that you see that." She sat still listening to my advice and stayed quiet for a while probably just thinking. "Okay I should probably go talk to him then, but please Nick, don't tell him about my bodily insecurities" she said. "I don't know Charli I thinks it's kinda important" "Please Nick" she cut me off "Fine" I gave in but i didn't agree with it. She gave me a hug and walked out.

Charli's POV:
Nick was right, I do need to talk to Chase more. I really like him and if I want our relationship to go any further then I can't keep things from him. But I wasn't ready to tell him about how self conscious and insecure I was about my body. It has been such a big issue for me throughout my childhood and caused some bullying. I will tell him, I'm just not ready quite yet though.

I knocked on his door and heard a soft "come in" from inside. I opened the door slowly and saw Chase laying in his bed on his phone. The second he saw me he sat up and I don't think he really new what to say to me. I stood and stared at him also unsure what to say. Why was I always so awkward around him? Do I really care what he thinks of me that much? And why the hell did I run away from him earlier, that was such a weird thing to do? He probably doesn't even want to talk to me.

"Charli, why won't you talk to me?" He said quietly, the hurt noticeable in his voice. He was looking up at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry Chase" I said walking over and sitting next to him. "I want to be there for you and help you but you're not really giving me a chance" he said. "I know Chase, I'm sorry but I'm ready to talk now" I replied. "It probably sounds really stupid but I've just been getting a lot of hate lately. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but it does and I know that hate comes with being famous but if I'm honest, I don't think I'm ready for fame. I'm a shy 16 year old teenage girl who gets easily overwhelmed and very self conscious and I don't know if I can handle it" I said. "You are the Charli D'amelio and I know how strong you are internally and you can handle anything. But I'm always here for you Char and if you need anything, even just moral support, you can come to me. Why didn't you tell me about the hate?" He said while holding my hands. "I don't know I thought you might find it silly" I said looking away from him. He turned my cheek slowly so I could look back at him. "If it's important to you then it's important to me" he said lovingly. I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me tight pulling me so that I laid next to him on the bed. I leaned my head on his chest and said "thanks Chase". "Of course, any time" he responded.

Time skip

It's been about a week since the whole not eating incident. Everything has been going well with Chase although I still haven't found the right time to bring up my insecurities about my body and weight. I don't really want to tell him because he'll just say that I'm perfect whether he thinks it or not because he's just like that. I can tell Nicks worried about me, I always catch him looking at me when we're eating just to check that I do actually eat it. But what nobody knows is that I haven't really eaten all week. The first few days I just ate a mouthful or so when Nick was watching but I just threw the rest away when nobody was looking. Then I started to feel really tired and I had barely any energy. Every time I stood up I started feeling lightheaded and I nearly fell over a few times so I started to eat again. Except then I struggled to keep any of my food down. Every time I ate I threw up afterwards but I hated the feeling of being hungry so I wanted to eat normally again but my body just wouldn't let me.

Chase's POV:
I noticed over the last few days that Charli seemed really quiet. She looked uncomfortable whenever she got changed in front of me which she never used to. She also looked really skinny and I was even beginning to notice her ribs were visible. I shook it off though because I'm sure everything was fine and I didn't want to seem too overprotective and worried.

We were all eating and I noticed that Charli was only picking at her food. She looked really pale and seemed dazed. "Hey Char, are you okay" I asked quietly trying not to get the attention of many others. She just didn't respond. It was as if she didn't even realise I was talking to her. She slowly stood up and said she was going to the bathroom. I was a little concerned now. I looked over at Nick who was also watching her and seemed as if he was worried. He looked at me with a confused expression and I looked at him and mouthed "I'll go check on her".

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. As I got closer I heard her, I think she was throwing up. I ran in and up to her. I held her hair out of her face and gently rubbed her back up and down. "Oh my God Charli are you okay" I asked when I thought she was done. She turned around after flushing the toilet and looked really sad. She didn't say anything but she just hugged me and leaned into my chest. I sat on the edge of the bath and pulled her onto me so she was sat on me sideways with her head leaning into my chest. I stroked up and down her arm comfortingly and kissed the top of her head. I hope she isn't sick. "Do you want to go lay down?" I asked and she slowly nodded her head. I stood up and put her on the ground.

She wobbled a bit and lost her balance so I grabbed her arm and supported her back stopping her from falling. "Woah you good?" I said but she didn't respond. I slowly let go to see if she could stand herself and she did for a few seconds. Then she fell backwards and I caught her before she hit the ground. 'She just fainted' I thought to myself in shock. "Hey guys someone come help!" I shouted trying to get someone to come.

Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update and also sorry for the boring chapter. I've just been really busy lately but hopefully I can update soon. Thanks for the support and let me know if you like it so far. Have a good day xx

Word count: 1783

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