Chapter 10

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Charli's POV:
When we got home it was quite late and most people had already gone to their rooms. Me and Chase walked upstairs and just as I was about to go into mine and Avani's room, he grabbed my hand and led me towards his. I was confused at first but I didn't reject.

He wasn't saying anything but it was a comfortable silence. The last things we said was that we loved each other. I wasn't sure what that meant for us now but I was definitely excited for our future. I was broken out of my daydream by Chase chucking some clothes in my face. He just laughed and said "put these on" he gave me some of his sweats and a hoodie. I went into his bathroom to put them on and change out of what I wore to the beach.

Chase's POV:
I found it cute how after all we've been through and what happened this evening, she was still too shy to get changed in front of me. I didn't mind, it made her seem so innocent. She came back out of the bathroom and I went and sat on my bed. She just stood there. It was as if she was asking for permission or something to join me, she's so sweet. I smiled at her and patted the spot next to me. She smiled back and excitedly walked over and jumped over me to sit next to me, aww she's so cute. I lifted up the duvet so she could get in and she wrapped her arms around my torso. And I put mine over her back. She rested her head in my neck and I kissed the top of her head. I love this girl.

Charli's POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night and saw Chase breathing softly next to me. At least he was still asleep. I felt so safe in his embrace. He was laying on his back with an arm around me and I had my head on his chest. He felt so warm and I loved the feeling of being close to him.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp stabbing pain just below my stomach. I winced in pain and put my hand on it. I looked to Chase and he was still softly sleeping. I felt very uncomfortable down there and I wasn't sure what to do about it. I changed position hoping it would help but it didn't really. The stabbing pain came back and it felt like someone was sticking a knife through me. I sat up unsure of what to do. Then it hit me. What if I was starting my period.

I was 16 years old and I still hadn't even started my period. All my friends had and we got a bit worried that I was so late so we went to the doctors a few months back and all they said was that it was perfectly normal and some people just start later.

I didn't really know what to do. I thought about messaging Dixie but then I decided it was too late and she would probably be asleep. "Hey Char, you okay?" I heard a sleepy voice from behind me say. I must have woken him up from moving around so much. "Umm, yeah I'm okay" I replied and I laid back down but faced away from him this time. If I had started my period then that would be really embarrassing because I didn't have any tampons or pads so I would have to ask Dixie.

He wrapped his arms around me and I became the little spoon. He whispered into my ear from behind "seriously Char, what's up?". I turned around so I was laying on my back and he was propped up on his elbow. "Oh nothing, my stomach just hurts a bit" I admitted. "Oh" he said and he placed his warm hand exactly where it hurt and it helped a lot. I smiled at him and he gently kissed my cheek. I love this guy. I turned my body so I had my arm over him and was snuggled into his chest (Imagine it's them):

 I turned my body so I had my arm over him and was snuggled into his chest (Imagine it's them):

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