Chapter 7

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Chase's POV:
Everyone else had gone upstairs now and it was just me and Charli left. We were helping to clear up the mess. I saw Charli kneeling down on the floor picking up confetti, I hated seeing her down on the floor. She kept yawning and I could tell she was tired. "Hey you go to bed" I said to her. "No I'm okay" she said. "No seriously I've got this" I replied I knew she wanted to go to bed, after all she does always wake up early. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes you go" I smiled. She came and wrapped her arms around my waste and I kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight" she said tiredly.

I couldn't believe she actually kissed me back earlier on. I have kissed quite a few girls over the years but I had never felt so nervous before. When her soft lips touched mine, I felt like I was 10 feet in the air. She made me feel ecstatic. I went to sleep smiling with the thought in my head.

I heard screams coming from a room down the corridor, I hurriedly got out of bed and ran towards it. Suddenly, I was back at the sway house crashing down the door to the room Charli was in. This time I was too late. He was already raping her and Charli was screaming in pain. "Get off of her!" I screamed at him. Then I woke up. I shot up and sat on my bed. I was so hot and sweaty and I was panting. My head fell into my hands and I took a deep breath. It was just a dream Chase, I thought to myself. I felt a small hand on my back and it scared me.

Charli's POV:
I woke up hearing someone shout "Get off of her!" I ran to Chase's room where I thought it was coming from. I looked in the door and saw Chase thrashing his arms and legs around in his bed, I think he was still asleep but it looked like he was trying to fight someone.

Suddenly, he shot up panting and out of breath. I walked over and put my hand on his back when he wasn't looking. I accidentally made him jump which I didn't mean to. He looked at me with wide eyes and sighed as if he was relieved it was me. "What's wrong Chase?" I asked quietly. I could feel the heat radiating off of him, he had sweat droplets on his face and his hair was slightly wet around his face. I pushed it out of his face with my fingers and he smiled softly. "It was just a dream" he said.

He slowly started leaning in and stopped about a centimetre in front of my lips. He opened his eyes and stared into mine before continuing. His lips touched mine and it was such a soft and tender kiss. I pulled away after about a minute and he looked disappointed

"Tell me Chase" I said "what was it about?". He sighed, I guess he wasn't on planning on telling me before. He was silent for about 2 minutes but I wasn't let this go. I laid my head on his shoulder and slowly rubbed my hand up and down his back. "Come on Chase, you can tell me" I encouraged him. He didn't seem to want to tell me. "Chase you have seen me at my very worst, you saw my complete naked body on the first day you even met me - in fact you held my complete naked body on the first day we even met. How many times in the last few days have you been a shoulder to cry on for me? You even made me show you my body again when you wanted to see my bruises" I had tears streaming down my face at this point but I continued "and I did it for you! What kind of person would I be if I didn't help you now?" I questioned. "I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life right now, and even though I am not fixed, I am on my way there and it's only because I have you." He looked into my eyes and a tear fell from his eye and rolled down his soft cheek. "Okay" he started quietly. "I'll tell you, I just don't want to keep reminding you of it" I laid my head back down on his shoulder letting him know I was grateful. "It was basically a repeat of the other night except this time I was too late" he continued and I saw him gulp and my eyes started to well up again with tears. "I didn't make it in time and he was..." he paused I could tell he didn't want to say it "I couldn't save you" he finished and his voice cracked. I had never seen him so vulnerable before, I'm glad he was opening up to me but I could tell it was paining him to speak about it. "Shhhh shhh shhh" I said hugging him as he started to cry. "I know Chase, I have the same dreams. Except I wake up and know that I am fine because of you, you saved me Chase and I am okay" I reassured him.

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