A scream instantly left my lips as my hands flew up to stop him but he only pulled on my hair even harder. His darkened gaze narrowed down at me, silently challenging me to dare and fight against him. I lowered my hands down in submission and placed them onto the ground behind me. To my utter surprise, I felt the shopping bag from earlier with my scissors and lighter still inside.

"Piccola colomba, ascolta bene e bene perché lo dirò solo una volta. Are you aware of what Omertà is?"Saverio's deep, husky voice suddenly switched to perfect English with no accent showcasing at all as his eyes bore into my widened eyes. (Little dove, listen good and well because I will only say this once. Are you aware of what Omertà is?)

My brows furrowed at the way he addressed me as 'little dove' before I thought for a moment and slowly shook my head. I had never heard the word Omertà ever before. At my reply, a terrifying smirk appeared on Saverio's handsome face before he let out a chilling laughter that could rival Arosio's any day.

"I thought so. Allow me to explain, carissima cognata," Saverio began as he stood to his full height and pulled something out from his back. My face paled when his black gun appeared in my line of sight before he placed the cold weapon against my forehead. (dearest sister-in-law)

"First off, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Saverio D'Amore, Italy's Mafia Don and sworn brother of Arosio De Luca," Saverio began with a cold smile that sent shivers of terror down my spine. I opened my mouth, in an attempt to tell him that I knew who he was but he shook his head and pressed the gun against my forehead even harder.

"When I talk, you listen. Understood, piccola colomba?" I nodded my head several times, and released a sigh of relief when his grip on the gun loosened a bit and wasn't pressed too hard against my forehead anymore. (Little Dove)

"Good girl. You do not need to introduce yourself, Mrs. Katerina De Luca. I have eyes and ears everywhere, and I already know all about your past escape attempts with Arosio. If it were up to me, I would have had you buried six feet underground months ago when you ran away to New York City," Saverio released a dark chuckle when he noticed my shivering form and even paler face upon hearing his words.

"It's nothing personal, piccola colomba. In the Italy Mafia, there are really no rules to follow. Drugs? We run the whole scene. Murder? We can kill anyone and face no consequences. Weapon smuggling? We own almost every airport in America and Italy, we can get anything in and out of the country without anyone finding out. The only rule we do have though, is Omertà. Are you not going to ask me what that is?" each word that he spoke made bile rise up my throat again before I suppressed it and took a deep breath with one of my arms wrapped around my bump while the other remained behind me. (Little Dove)

"Wha...what...is...Omertà?" my shaky voice came out barely an audible whisper and I clamped my mouth shut when Saverio suddenly released another dark chuckle before using one of his hands to grip onto my chin and force my head up to look at him. His other hand kept the gun pressed firmly against my temple as I released more tears and silently prayed for help.

"Omertà is the code of silence practiced in the Italy Mafia," Saverio paused as if studying my reaction but all I could do was furrow my brows in confusion. What does this have to do with anything going on right now?

"You see, when I first heard about your little escape attempt the last time, I called Arosio and told him to kill you," my mouth fell open in pure shock as my gaze snapped up to meet his dark orbs that were clearly amused by this whole situation.

What a sick bastar--

"I explained to Arosio that a weak, innocent, coward girl like you can never become a part of our world. But of course, that lovesick puppy shut down my request and instead threatened to kill me if I ever repeat those words to him again," Saverio continued but I barely listened because suddenly the thought of Arosio and wanting him to be here with me appeared in my mind.

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