Dear Diary Series

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A collection of poems written as diary entries. I wrote these a while back when I was feeling really down. You might see some dates there - dates when I wrote the poems.

For those of you feeling down - it will get better. It's okay to ask for help. You're not alone.

Dear Diary 1:

Dear Diary,

I feel stressed.

I feel stressed and depressed,

I feel tired and uninspired.

Let me tell you dear diary,

I do nothing all day.

I sit there looking grey,

Knowing I'm not okay -

Dear Diary,

I have come back from my sleep.

And I'll let you know I weep,

For the energy I could not reap.

I'll let you know I tried,

How I lied and I cried,

How I sighed and I denied,

Hoping that this feeling would subside.

I'm sorry Dear Diary,

You have read my darkest thoughts,

You have seen how I have fought,

And how it has come to naught.

And I'll tell you it's not their fault,

For my life's sudden halt.

It's my brain that's painfully filled,

With my mind's daily assault.

Dear Diary,

I feel stressed.

I feel stressed and depressed,

I feel tired and uninspired.

And let me tell you dear diary,

I have done nothing all day.

I just sat there looking grey,

And I know that I'm not okay.

Dear Diary 2:

Dear Diary,

They're giving me the treatment.

Mum's giving me a hard time.

Telling me what to do and what not to do.

And I'm giving her a hard time.

Telling her what to do and what not to do.

Dad's just sitting there,

Pretending this doesn't exist.

And I'm just sitting there,

Hoping this doesn't exist.

My sisters and brothers are giving me the stare,

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