Mental Health Series

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A Series of Poems about Mental Health

*Trigger warning for anything Mental Health related like addiction, OCD, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts.


You know —

The moment you see it.

You know —

You'll regret it.

You remember Oh so Vividly,

The puking, the guilt,

The nausea, the shame —

You hate it.

But you need it.

It's calling, calling —

But you SHOULDN'T —

Your body aching, aching.

You scream with desperation, with the frustration of Sisyphus.


But you can't — bound — You claw at your throat, at your heart, at your soul.

You don't want it.

But you need it.

It's crying, crying —

You know YOU SHOULDN'T —

Your body hungry, hungry

You remember Oh so Vividly,

The loss of control, the fear,

The urge, the pain —

You hate it.

But you need it.

Breathless without it, useless without it.

Couldn't bare the thought of living without it —

Starving — For the whispers, the songs.

The promise of happiness,

That it'll all be okay.

If you have it.

It'll be okay.

But you know it's not.

Because you'll regret it.

It'll bring you up high,

Only to bring you down deeper, darker,

Into the cycle of pain pretending to be happiness.

Addiction 2

The emptiness fills my hectic soul,

Drained and pale,

My broken heart thirsts and drinks and drinks,

Seeking to drown in empty battles.

Stay Alive/ Mental Health Series

I know I can't say I understand.

Poetry On Emotions 2Where stories live. Discover now