Emotions Series

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A Series of Poems about emotions


When you live in a constant state of paranoia and anxiety, 

With the fear of not doing the right thing, 

Fear of not following the rules, 

Fear of being punished, 

With a fear of everything. 

Because this is a world of fear. 

Cause even hatred, indifference, and love. 

Are things you slowly learn to Fear.

Heart in chains

Heart in chains,

Pumping through my pain.

Tired of troubled thoughts,

Of the burden I have wrought.

Like a madman's terror,

I scream a little longer.

Unable to let go

Cause it's part of my soul.

I cry in pain,

At the turmoil I've caused.

I curse in defeat

At the blood I've stained.

I tighten the chains,

And empty my heart.

But why does it still,

Beat stubbornly through the pain?


It's terrifying how often we feel




Because more often than not,

We get what we don't need,

We get what we don't want,

Because oftentimes we don't actually even know what we


We don't know what we



It gnaws on me, slowly, painfully,

Taking pleasure with every, slow, torturous, bite.

Eyes glimmering, feral, It knows.

As I plunge my arms into the depths of the night.

I pray, for pain, for forgiveness.

I cry, for suffering, for release.

I dive deeper into the cloudless storm.

My heart does not deserve to be free.

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