Lullabies Series

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A series of poems that can be used as lullabies, or are just soft in nature— a reminder of the beauty and softness that exists in the world.

Summer's end 

The reddened leaves rustled and hushed,

The whisper of winds sidled slow.

For raucous joy of summer's end,

Made way for autumn's blissful beau.

Promise of a new day


Round the gentle wakening of light,

With the new day's promise in sight,

She sang her songs of strength and hope,

Arms embracing the warmth of a new beginning.


And when night falls,

As the stars say goodnight,

I hope you remember,

There are more than stars,

To look up for,

In the darkest of times.


A day has passed,

Be it gentle like the breeze,

Or rough like the storms

Release your unease.

For now the stars shine for you,

My only one.

So rest your mind,

And sleep like the Sun.

Night 2

A day has passed,

Be it gentle like the breeze,

Or rough like the storms,

Release your unease.

For now the stars shine for you,

My sweet one.

So rest your mind,

And sleep like the sun.

Night 3

And as night gently sings her sweet little lullabies,

As we wait together for dawn to rise,

We'll thank the past and raise our hands,

To the songs of change, embracing new lands


As dawn wrapped her arms, round the sun's rising ray,

She sang her songs of hope, with soothing sweet assurance.

Wishing the world, the promise of a new day.

She kissed the night farewell, for light's never at a distance.


With dusk's gentle whispers,

The troubled leaves hushed.

For no matter how rough the winds of day,

Night's arms shall embrace,

The stars of tomorrow.

Song of love

And let the wildfire light,

Illuminate from within.


The soothing sweet sounds,

Of endless selfless love.

May you never let it go,

For your heart's hands grasp,

The world's song of love.

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