Chaotic Minds Series

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Chaotic minds

Blasting light and darkness twist,

Sounds so chaotic, it's hard to resist.

In this world of madness, it's hard to tell,

What people feel in this endless well.

Isn't it great how we all run and hide,

Away from another and take the wrong ride.

We say one thing but the other hears another,

Oh what joy it is to fuel our anger.

Anger that stems from our hardened inner core,

For some reason or another we don't stop to care.

Easy as it seems to just jump straight in,

Towards the well of black bile corruption.

Is it too late now to turn back and resist?

My mind's already hurting, I should prepare my fist.

Already these ants, watching me crumble,

Doing nothing, afraid, as I turn to rubble.

Swimming, Swimming

Swimming, swimming,

the ocean's clear.

Swimming, swimming,

the battle's gone.

Breathe, breathe,

the sun shines still.

Breathe, breathe,

The moon still shines.

Flinging, flinging,

the birds are singing.

Flinging, flinging,

the trees are swaying.

But drowning, drowning,

the ocean's blood.

Gasping, gasping,

The battle draws near.

Darkness, darkness,

the sun disappears,

Gasping, gasping,

the moon is gone.

Swallowed, swallowed,

the birds stop singing.

Gasping, gasping,

the trees all wither.

Swimming, swimming,

the red ocean lies.

Swimming, swimming.


Leaking Tap

The pitter patter



The little lather



The squeak and the squack


Drop -

Hush little one.

It's closed,

Ignore it.

Haven't you heard?

Don't play

With the leaking tap.


Oh don't I love those fractures,

That beautifully curve my skin,

And scar my bones,

As I wallow in pain.

Look at my smile.

It is not without blood.

It is not without tears.

It is not without a scream.

And it is not without madness.

Don't come near me.

I warned you.

I'll consume you.

And you don't want that,

Do you?

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