Nightmares are Real

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"As you wish, Diana"


Now you may be thinking oh fuck, her fathers dead! Why would she do such a thing? That bang actually wasn't from the Italians gun; it was from my gun. I just shot the boys' leg, and if i'm lucky he won't ever be able to walk right again.

"What the hell! How long have you been holding that gun?" I shrug just sitting there watching the boy groan in pain on the floor with blood pouring out of his wound. Its quite funny to see him squirm like the worm he is.

"Drop the weapon Diana, or I'll have no choice but to kill both of you." I look at my father for confirmation and he nods in response. That nod was all I needed, you see I'm a trained stubborn bitch that won't listen to anyone other than my father. I'm similar to a robot that won't do anything anybody other than my creator told me to do. I set the gun down on the desk in front of me.

"Good girl, now stay there until I say otherwise." I growl. Unless of course they piss me off. At that point its every man/woman for themselves.

"No one talks to my daughter like that! Especially not some no good for nothing dick face!" My father looks as if he just got an energy reboot and like lightning punches the man clear in the jaw. I smile and genuinely laugh as he does so.

Both of the intruders are now on the floor, one of them passed out the other one planning his next move. If only I could determine his next...


So many things happened after he shot my father in the chest. I threw one of my knives at him but it only grazed his right cheek. I quickly ran over to my father and put some pressure on his wound hoping I could save him.

Now instead of those movies where the dad dies saying I love you he says what a mafia leader would say.

"Avenge m-me....." with that he relaxes and his eyes die of any life that they once had. Regardless, I still am holding on to his body wishing for life to flow back into it.

"Let him go Diana." The bastard who killed him states putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You have no right to touch me, after what you just did." I hear him sigh and he lets go of me. I look at my fathers belt to see his golden dagger. I sneakily take hold of it and spin around jamming it in the Italian Rat's shoulder.

"Ugh! I've got to admit, he taught you considerably well" I twist the dagger causing him to groan in pain.

"Are you really that surprised, considering I'm next in line to the thrown? Or was it because you assumed I would be a blubbering mess, crying my eyes out not knowing what to do?"

"Mostly the second but you do have your mothers fire which helps keep you strong."

"Don't you dare speak of that woman in such a high manner! She was a whore nothing more nothing less!" I yank my new knife from him and take a step back. Not before giving him a kick in the groin though first.

"That was for waking up a hormonal teenager at 1 AM and pissing her off even more afterwards."

"Fuck! You really would have been the perfect queen." He chuckles at his own statement. But than he scans me making a shiver run down my spine. "I don't know, maybe you will be one."

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