As I reach for my bedroom doorknob I feel myself getting lifted off the floor and on to a certain person's shoulder.

"Put me down! I demand that you release me this instant. This is not dignified! Put me down!" I scream and kick while hes carrying me towards his room.

"Not until you tell me what exactly has gotten you riled up and bypassing me for a week." He slaps my ass, which of course stops my struggling.

We enter his room which has sea green walls. For some weird and cool reason he's obsessed with the ocean. He also has pictures of famous boats surrounding the room. I love that color, ah. No, snap out of it Van you need to tell him before you get carried away... again.

He sets me down gently on my feet. As soon as he turns around to grab something I sprint into the bathroom and lock the door. I said I'd tell him I didn't say I'd tell him without some sort of protection.

"Vanessa! Open up the God damn door!" I slide down to the floor onto my butt, my back against the door. My eyes start to fill with tears, I'm so scared.

"I-I c-ca-n't do t-this a-anym-ore"

"Angel, what's wrong? Please tell me why your crying. I want to help but you have to tell me why you've been ignoring me." I sniffle trying to stop myself from crying.

"I-it's n-nothing" I say trying to act normal.

"Do you really expect me to believe that it's 'nothing'?! I'm not stupid Vanessa. How can it be nothing when you are crying?! Please stop crying."

"I-I'm..." before I could finish I hear another door open from the other side of this one.

"Alonzo, Nick wants to ohh um are you talking to a door?" I force out a laugh.

"No I'm not talking to a door. I'm in the middle of a conversation..."

"With the door I know. You don't have to be embarrassed." I'm now full on smiling.

"I was talking to Vanessa on the other side of the door. I wasn't talking to the door, that's absurd!"

"Absurd!? I'll tell you what's absurd! How could you speak right through the door without asking it first. Do you have any idea how rude that is? Speaking through the door as if its not there. You should be ashamed!" I hear Al groan, similar to the one he makes when he's frustrated.

"This conversation isn't over Van!" Not soon after I hear a door slam shut.

"I know it's not."


"Hey, Di you wanna play poker!?" Asks Mica.

"As long as it's not strip poker than sure!" I hear her mumbling curses. She fooled me once, that ain't happening again.

"Fiiine, we can play the boring ole fashioned way. But if you ever change your mind or run out of money, never hasitate to give me your shirt." I roll my eyes. Ever since she was assigned to protect me and she never had to go back to the mansion, she's been acting more normal. Not that unemotional robot killing machine crap.

As she is setting up the poker table in my office, I'm cleaning up the rest of the bar. I love it after closing hours, its always so quiet and no assholes anywhere in...

My thoughts get cut off by a banging on the doors. Does no one ever read the signs?! It says we're closed.

I make my way up to the doors and unlock them because the girl looks as if she just witnessed a murder. Well atleast I expect thats what she looks like, I see murders all the time. So I'm kind of used to it by now.

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