"Simon, hey, uh is there a washing machine here?" I asked stopping at the bottom of the stairs

He pointed to a door to the right and was about to start walking towards it when I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Whipped" Niall whispered

I turned around and gave him a glare, I turned red when I saw Louis coming down the stairs, eyes glued to his phone

I quickly walked into the laundry room to avoid eye contact with Louis. Our next conversation was going to be very awkward, and I wasn't ready to have that yet

I stuffed his clothes into the washing machine and turned it on. I got startled when I heard the door behind me open and close again

"Uh, hey. Thanks for washing my clothes, you didn't have to, that was really sweet of you" Louis said shyly looking at the floor, not making eye contact

"Yeah Lou, no problem, anytime" I said, turning around and leaning against the washing machine

We stood there for a moment in silence, hoping the other would say somthing

"I'm gonna go see what Simon wants-" Louis began, awkwardly motioning with his thumb

"Yeah" I said, following him out of the laundry room

Why were we so awkward all of a sudden. Niall. No, it was my fault I shouldn't have flirted with him like that. He probably thinks I'm weird now.

We came out of the closet looking flustered. If people hadn't known the situation, they would have thought we were doing something else in there. Niall would probably make a joke about it later.

We walked to where the other boys were already gathered around Simon.

"Ok boys, now that we're all here and your settled in I can tell you the plan for the week. You have the rest of today off, but tomorrow you will have an interview. The day after that you will practice your performance for the live shows, and the day after that we will start filming" Simon explained

"So you guys can explore the house or just crash in your rooms for the rest of the night" Simon followed up with

We nodded and all went into the first room on the right. We spent the next hour exploring the house, stopping when Liam noticed some fish in a tank

He watched them in awe for some reason, while the rest of us just rolled our eyes.

"You guys keep going, I want to talk to H alone for a bit" Niall said

Liam and Zayn seemed to take the hint, while Louis just looked jealous.

"Uh, what's up mate" I asked

"Harry, what was happening up there" Niall asked

"What do you mean, I dont know what your talking about" I said, knowing exactly what he was thinking

"Harry, lad, yes you do. Why were you and Louis gazing into eachothers eyes. It looked like you were about to kiss or something" Niall asked, not jokingly

"I dont know, it was nothing" I replied

"It sure didn't look like nothing"

I stayed quiet, knowing he was right but not admitting it

"H" he said, making me look up at him

"Mhm" I mumbled, still quite embarrassed by the situation

"Do you like Louis?" Niall asked quietly

"I dont know" I said squeezing my eyes shut to hold back the tears that were now pricking my eyes, threatening to fall

A moment of silence passed before I spoke again

"Yeah" I nodded truthfully

Niall gave me a friendly hug and said "dont be sad Harry, why are you sad?"

"He doesn't like me back, he never will. He's straight" I whispered, a tear now running down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve

"Did he tell you that" Niall asked pulling away

"Well, no not exactly but-"

"Then don't assume that. You know how hard it is to confess your feelings for someone. Just give him time. Have you seen the way he looks at you" Niall said

"No" I replied

"When I walked in on you two having a moment, I could have sworn I saw Louis about to lean in to kiss you" Niall said, putting his hand on my shoulder

"I dont think so Ni" I chuckled

"Do you cuddle your friends back home" he tried to convince me further

"Well, no"

"So why would he do that with his so called "friend" if he was "straight?" He asked

"I geuss. Thanks Ni" I said pulling him into another hug

"Anytime H, you know you can talk to me about anything okay" Niall said

"Yeah, thank you" I responded

I wiped the remainder of my tears and we caught up with the group, laughing at Liam doing a fish impression. But I couldn't ignore how Louis got protective over me, securing his hand around my waist after Niall and I got back from talking.

Maybe he does like me?

We went to bed that night in our own rooms. I ignored the urge to go into Louis room to sleep beside him.

A/N: captain Nialler has set sail.
Secksy time soon ;)
The sexual tension in here is ✨astronomical✨
Is this moving too quick? Not quick enough? Comment your thoughts, and maybe vote while your at it?? Thank °~°
I was kinda distracted while writing this chapter by a TV show, so if it sucks, blame it on the TV show

Take care Larry shippers, keep clowning 🤡


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