Chapter 1 - The Oncoming Storm

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December 22nd 2002, Time - between 12 and 1am, location - Galeonile hospital.

A stormy night in the city of Galeonile. A 32 year old man is pacing up and down in a hallway of the Galeonile hospital for extraordinarians, in front of the icu ward. After a few minutes, the door opened and a voice called out to the man "Mr. Zakyruddin?"
The man looked up to find a nurse standing in front of the door. "Yes, I'm Zakyruddin",he said.
"Congratulations sir, Mrs Fatima has given birth to a boy", said the nurse. Zakyr's face lighted up with joy. He went in the ward to find his wife holding a baby boy.
Before he could say anything, he heard a commotion outside the door.
The rest of the nurse's words were drowned in a scream and a loud bang. There was another bang and the door was broken open. Zakyr stood there staring at the intruder who was wearing all black and there was a symbol of a wolf across his chest.
" Who are you?" asked Zakyr in a stern tone.
"I am the Rancher sent to finish the oncoming storm in that woman's hands." said the Rancher.
"Not if I have anything to say about it" said Zakyr, and with that Zakyr charged towards the Rancher.
The Rancher aimed his hands towards Zakyr and just then a gust of wind flowed towards them. The whole ward shoke due to the force of the wind. Zakkyr, trying to hold on the some thing, closed his eyes and focused on a nearby chair and made it hit the Rancher.
The gust of wind stopped and the Rancher was thrown across the room. Zakyr said "Okay, my turn" and attacked the rancher. The Rancher after enduring several hits, was able to blast off Zakyr with enough force for him to crash into the bed.
The Rancher then got to his feet and did a graceful motion and again aim his hand towards Zakyr and several leaves were blown towards them with enough force to slice a brick in half.
Zakyr ducked but the leaves were stuck in the air.
Zakyr looked up and saw the leaves stopped within merely a few inches away before falling down. Zakyr found the source of the force shield to be standing in front of the door.
"Who are you now?" Zakyr asked in confusion.
"I've been sent from beyond time to protect the boy this guy calls the oncoming storm" said the person who was wearing all black,but unlike the Rancher he was wearing a cloak and a hood over his head, a mask on his face covering his mouth and goggles over his eyes. He seemed to be wearing white sneakers.
"Call me Andrew", said the person. "Andrew hellfire. Now get your wife and son out of here."
Andrew charged at the Rancher and Zakyr picked up Fatima, who was holding the baby, in his hands and ran out of the ward. When he got to the door, he found a dozen Ranchers standing at the door. "There are more of them!" he said in confusion.
"You really didn't think that only one will be enough for you, did you?" came a voice from behind him and Andrew had thrown himself into the group of Ranchers and now was fighting them off one by one.
"You have a phoenix, right?" asked Andrew.
"How do you..." started Zakyr but was immediately interrupted by Andrew saying
"I know a lot of things about you, but now is not the time".
Zakyr motioned to Fatima and she took the whistle on his memorain and put it to his mouth. Suddenly, with a blinding flash the door was set on fire. Andrew looked up and saw a phoenix at the door. The Ranchers ran out the door and disappeared in the woods beside the hospital.
Zakyr put Fatima on a bench beside him and the phoenix flew towards him and sat on his shoulder.
Zakyr then looked up and saw Andrew who was now fixing the place using the force powers. After he was done Zakyr said "Thank you for saving our lives. How can we ever repay you?"
"You can repay me by looking after your son" Andrew said turning towards Zakyr. "Take care of him, he will grow up to be someone unique. Although I can't guarantee that whether he will be good or bad, that's your job to point him in the right direction".
"Why did those Ranchers want to kill our son?" Zakyr asked.
"Your son is what you call a 'necromortal'." Andrew replied looking at the child who was sleeping in peace.
"You mean he can't die from unnatural ways, right?" asked Fatima.
"Correction, he can die from natural way and weapons made out of necrium until he reaches stage 4 of necromortality where he can only die a natural death" said Andrew. "But the Ranchers attacked you tonight in hopes of finishing off you son because a necromortal can die when he/she is kill on the day they are born because they have not yet obtained the ability to regenerate or come back from the dead".
Andrew turned around to the door and started walking towards it. "Where are you going?" asked Zakyr.
"Oh I'm not going anywhere. I'm always with you." said Andrew. He raised his hand and a portal opened in front of him. He turned around and said "See you in a few years or sooner."
With that Andrew Hellfire walked into the portal and was gone.

(Galeonile - Island of Galeonile was at the centre of the disaster known as The Surge due to which 70% of the world's population 1000 years ago was wiped out. Those who survived were classified into 7 : Forcers, Elemortals, Necromortals, Psymortals, Extremors, Mobilitals and Norms. The island is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in the northern hemisphere. It was formerly a part of what is now called Korea which at that time was connected to Japan before it tore off due to the surge. The Island's name has no exact origin it was just named Galeonile even before the surge started. Galeonile has 4 main parts, The city in the middle of the island, Mount Okaya in the north, The forest surrounding the city and The Outside which is on the other side of the forest.)

The Extraordinarians Part - 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora