Entry 7: Star-Crossed (Romeo and Juliet Retelling)

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If ever given a chance to have one single wish, Joana was certain that hear heart would only covet what she was longing her entire life--freedom.

"Smile," her Mom, Leila, said firmly, slightly tightening her dress when she refused to comply. Biting her red-colored lips, she managed to bear a beautiful smile, hiding what she truly felt inside.

"Good," Leila added, "Now move and we'll be late for the party. That Montague will soon be sorry." Smirking, she marched out of the room, letting Joana live her own world for a while.

She sighed. If only his father and brother were there, maybe she won't have to live a life full of pretends.

She was only two when her parents had decided to rip their lungs out and strangle each other's throat. Every night and every minute of the day because they were in the same industry. Until one grey night and they decided to part ways, leaving her no choice but to go with her mother and say goodbye to his little brother.

She could hardly remember their faces but she knew, just their smile and she would be okay.

Taking another glance to her reflection, she went downstairs to satisfy her mother's demand.


"Rico?" his father, Mr. Montague, only knocked once before entering his room. Rico was halfway finish slipping into his formal attire without knowing that the party had started ten minutes ago.

"And why are you dressed like a waiter in a cheap restaurant?" Mr. Montague asked with such authority in his voice.

"C'mon, pops! I'm meeting a girl tonight and I don't want her to like me as the son of the famous Montague, who would want that?" throwing his hands in the air, he took one last glance at his reflection before brush passing his father.

"Just remember that you're not my son in that attire," Mr. Montague reminded, stopping him for a moment.

"Whatever you say, pops!" He simply winked before heading down to the kitchen.

"Master Rico---" he hushed all their servants, telling them to ignore him and never addressed him as a Montague for the night. Grabbing a plateau of cocktails, he flashed a satisfied smile, leaving their servants in awe.

He slowed down for a moment, muttering inaudible words about how his father wasted a lot of money just to maintain his title add the famous Montague in the fashion industry. "He could've spent his money for the charities," he hissed before his eyes spotted her beloved Rosalinda at the entrance.

"Lady Leila and Princess Rosalinda Capulet," a smile automatically crept onto his face. Before making his way to his manly desire, he fixed a strand of his hair that was hanging loose on his face, smelled his breath a couple times, and straighten his body for a proper posture.

But as he was about to call Rosalinda, the announcer then again speak for another Capulet at the end of the trail.

"Princess Joana Capulet," like a goddess walking on Earth, all the lads and even lasses couldn't take their eyes off of the beautiful maiden, smiling sweetly like it was the right thing to do. She stopped in front of Rico, who happened to block the way.

"Excuse me," she said sweetly, her voice so captivating, putting Rico in a helpless trance. Realizing that he would never even blink, Joana then tapped his shoulder before letting out a silent chuckle as she made her way and disappeared into the crowd.


"What's with the smile, dearie?" Her cousin, Rosalinda, giggled before clinging to her arm.

OVAL 1: The DroppingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon