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Everyone was now heading home from the bowling alley. Woojin, Jeongin, and Seungmin where the top 3 scorers and Jisung had the lowest score which means he had to pay for their meals. Felix was the first one to be dropped off. He said goodbye to the group as he headed down the dirt path to his small and lonely home.

He trudged through the front door and collapsed onto the couch. He breathed in the scent of his little home. He stood up again and walked into the hallway only to stop and look at the pictures. Most of them were of him and his grandparents or drawings he had made when he was little. But at the very end of the hall as a black and white photo of a young couple. His grandparents gave it to him when he was old enough to understand. A small tear fell from his eye. Suddenly the scene of Changbin looking at the picture wall came to his mind. A sense of anxiety filled Felix's body.

With shaky hands, he reached out to the photo and took it off the wall. He walked into his bedroom and gently placed the frame into his shirt drawer and shut it away for another time. After that he changed into more comfortable clothes and passed out on his bed.

Meanwhile, Changbin was the 3rd person to be dropped off. He walked up to his apartment with heavy shoulders. He felt like he was supposed to do or say something that he didn't. He set everything down at the entrance of his apartment. When he looked up, he was face to face with that photo. Anger and sadness clouded his senses. He marched over to that haunting photo and threw it to the ground. When he realized what he did, he cleaned up and threw the frame away. He picked the photo off the floor and tucked it away in his leather journal, not to be seen unless necessary.

Changbin sat down on his beat up couch and looked up at the ceiling. A pang went through his heart so he closed his eyes in hopes it would go away. But what he got were flashes of him, the one he wants to forget.

Changbin could still remember the feeling of holding his small frame against himself, running his finger through his long blonde hair, how big his smile got when he was happy, and how mean he could get when he was jealous. Changbin didn't realize he was crying until he sobbed for air. He sat up and rubbed at the no stop tears. He wanted to scream and throw things  but he knew his neighbors would complain. He stood up, making a decision he didn't know he made, grabbed a black jacket, and headed back downstairs out of the building.

At first, he just stood there on the sidewalk, staring up at the stars. He breathed in the chilly night air and it burned his throat. He tucked his hands into his pocket and looked back down at the sidewalk.

"Why can't I forget you like you forgot me?" Changbin whispered into the air, letting it carry his words to the sky.

He turned in a random direction and just walked where the wind took him. He watched as cars drove by and streetlights changed. He even  noticed a few other pedestrians staring at him. He probably looked like hell for how much he cried and rubbed his face and hair. What surprised him the most was when the concrete turned into dirt. At this, Changbin looked up and realized where he was. He laughed at himself but his feet kept him walking closer.

When he reached the small house, he knocked on the door softly. He knew it was late but he knew Felix didn't sleep well. But when no one answered, he turned to leave. JUst as his left foot hit the dirt, a small voice was heard.

"Binnie hyung?" the deep voice said, Changbin could tell he just woke up from the gravely tone.

"Did I wake you?" Changbin asked, looking at the taller now.

"No, I woke up about a minute ago. What are you doing here?" Felix answered, rubbing his eyes.

"Uh. Well, I was just out for a walk and I kind of just ended up here," he replied.

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