C H A P T E R 11

47 4 1

"Cause I'm just waiting
For some body like you
Somebody like you
Without you im Lost Boy"


Its officially been 1 month, 2 weeks, 5 days, 36 minutes and 27 seconds and counting since Ashton proposed to me. Yes i have been counting and what 

Right what's happened in these weeks hm let me remember...

A huge storm happened recently- trees falling over onto cars, roads flooded, electricity power outs and because im a scared poop i couldnt sleep for days after that as a tree in our garden fell and only just missed my bedroom window and hit the conservatory underneath on the ground floor. So Ashton came and slept in the same bed as me because i was that scared i didnt care who was there - i just needed someone with me so i wasnt alone.  Now we share the same bed because why not? even though it feels weird to me sometimes

but aye sleeping in the same bed as a band member - not many people can say they have done this so im one up on them! 

A werid thing happened like a couple days after i annouced we were engaged to everyone in the house though. But basically Dean got really defensive and got super angry at me for agreeing to this arranged marriage when we hardly know eachother personally.  It took me weeks until Dean finally gave in to the idea of me marrying Ashton because he got to know him after some interrigation questions and according to him Asthon was 'a pretty cool lad and can bang though drums pretty hard' -

oh the whole fandom knows Ashton can do that, the way he makes those rage faces and how his arms tense and his muscles....oh jesus his muscles....and the wife beaters he wears during performances! OH LORD HALLELUJAH AND HIS CURLY MOP OF HAIR AND HOW HE WEARS THEM BANDANAS!  

fuck dammit i think i need to calm down because the feels are going overboard right now. Hes just a perfect human being! am i right ladies? or am i right.

Caught you all, it was a rehtorical question because of course im right.

Back on topic - Dean didn't like the fact mother was doing this to my life because according to him she  tried to force him into an arrange marriage when he was my age but Dean hated and refused so much he went to live with grandma and grandpa for a year until mother finally let it go and i guess that was passed onto me. He didn't like the fact mum was controlling his life, and how he had to marry some chick he had no interest in or hardly knew. See I was only small so I figured he was just going to live with them because of this sports college which was supposidly really good over there, so thats why he moved for a year. Obviously i was wrong though, well partly wrong because he did go to college by Grandma and Grandads but that was only part of the story.

it was all good in the end though because he met Harper, the typical cliche nerd girl studying for buisness and the sports dude comes along and sweeps her off her feet. next thing you know they are enganged to be married and couldnt be any happier. Also its their wedding in a few weeks..meaning ill be in a dress and heels  - god help me to not fall over

"Mel where are you?"

"Ash I'm in here!" I shouted through the door because I was to lazy to get up off my bed, plus that would mean physical movement and the effort to lift my laptop of my lap, when I could happily carry on what I was doing which is scrolling through the endless tweets 

"Hey pumpkin spice! your mum wants to see you." Ashton said, walking into my room with his long legs as he perches on the edge of the bed

"....about?" im quite annoyed to be honest over the whole Dean marriage thing she tried to force upon him. I guess im not as bothered about mine because i like Ashton, but obviously Dean didnt like his supposidly wife before harper. I have mixed emotions about this...its as if she is trying to live her lives through us kids because she is getting older and cannot experiance things we can in this day and age.

"she wants you to go out with her so she can show you the dress she has picked out for you and see what it looks like. Also she has already got the rest of the bridal atires ready to be purchaed..." Ashton replied looking down at his lap. See what i mean? its as if once i said the word yes something clicked in the brain of hers and now she is taking over.  its not like i hate it, yono having support from your parents is nice.. but not full on picking everything without my say.  It is my wedding after all. Not hers. Dammit.

I got off of my bed after placing my laptop carefully on my side table, walking around giving Ashton a peck on the cheek reaching up slightly. Even though im not short short as i stand at 5ft7 but compared to Ashton i am short. basically

"..what? Nothing else" Ashton pouted wanting more than just  a peck.

" Not now, I need to sort something out with mother. okay?" I said before marching out of my bedroom and down into the living room seeing mother having a coffee watching the TV. 

"Mum a word-." I spoke clenching my teeth together as she turned around pausing the television with the remote she had in her other hand.

"-What gave you the right to pick my dress out without me even being there? and the fact that you have all the bridal parties atire already? who let you incharge?" I spoke keeping my anger under control. I may be taking this over the top but if you knew my mother the way i did you would probably do the same.

"I'm your mother, you live under my roof. my rules. Also i gave birth to you! without me you wouldnt even be here, if i hadn't carried you around for 9 months" she replied 

"Don't use that over used parents saying 'living under my roof. my rules. I dont need this shit mother! i know what your doing! your trying to live your life through me and i dont want you too! im my own person, i make my own decisons, im not a child anymore and you cant tell me what to do 24/7" I said, shaking

"Don't you ever swear at me! I'm your mother for Christ's sake. How dare you!"

"Fucking hell mum I'm 19! A bloody adult. I can do what i want, I don't need this crap from you, telling me what I can and can't do! Just stop! You have lived your life stop controlling mine, you-"


My mothers hand cut me off from finishing the sentence by slapping my cheek. Hard.

"You....you slapped me....m-my own mother slapped me" I wispered to myself out of astonishment while raising my hand to my red throbbing cheek just as tears were about to fall. 

It wasn't one of those little baby slaps if you did something wrong by accident, oh no this was full on hard as hell. im going to need some frozen peas before it turns into a bruse

Suddenly mum regained herself back into reality, moving her hand back down to her sides looking at me in shock

"Oh my baby, I'm so sor-" mum tried to wrap her arms around me to give me a hug, realising what she just did. What her anger did. 

"No. I....you....what dont touch me!" I ran out of the living room and back upstairs into mine, locking the door in the process. Thankful that Ashton didn't stay in here and wait, I just need to be alone, and re-think what seriously just happened.

Did my own mother just slap me over a wedding dress...



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