C H A P T E R 1 8

14 2 0

"Over there.."

"No, thanks"

"Put those flowers on that table"

"The dj on that side of the dance floor please"

"Can you put the names on the table, according to the seating plan" I said to Alex who came and helped me set the reception up for tomorrow with people who worked at the venue.

"Anything else Boss?" She saluted me smiling

"Nope, that's everything" I sighed looking at the place, we will be here tomorrow me and Ashton; married

"Thank god, I'm tired" she fell to the floor lying down

"Haha, we're not finished yet. c'mon we need to get back to mine and get the dresses over to the hotel and the last practice thing at the church"

"Such effort." She mumbled making me laugh as we headed out back to the house after saying goodbye to the staff who were being such big helps.

"Mel, can I see the bridesmaid dress now!" Alex whined as we carried the dresses to my car which were covered in a plastic bag to keep the dresses safe from the elements.

"When we get to the hotel, I don't want anyone else seeing...even Ashton doesn't know what they look like" I said laying them down gently in the back of my car

"Fine, ok...let's get your wedding dress and the shoes then get to the hotel" I nodded walking back into the house

"Mel?" I looked to my left seeing Calum walking down the stairs on the opposite side because we have 2 sets to the upstairs landing, if you got the money why not double up I suppose

"Yes Cal" Alex carried on upstairs ignoring our conversation across the 2 stairs

"I need your opinion"

"Which is?"

"Should I wear this-" he gestured to the clothes he was wearing right now "-or this?" He held up another set of clothes

"Why are you asking? Where you going" I asked seeing the 2 pieces of clothes.
The one he was wearing was a simple Blue shirt un tucked and black skinny jeans with grey vans. But the other one was more of what he would wear when they were performing, it consisted of a woman beater with all time low theme, and I guess that would go with the skinny jeans and vans

"I'm going out....with Steph" Calum mumbled the last part so I couldn't hear properly

"Your what?"

"I'm going out with Steph"

"What?" I put my hand curved behind my ear to represent that I still couldn't hear him and for Calum to speak louder

"IM GOING OUT WITH STEPH!!" He shouted, the words echoing throughout the house

"Hahaha I know, heard you the second time" I smiled

"God dammit Mel I hate it when people do that" he shook his head

"But it was funny though, you have to admit. Oh and I'd go with the clothes your wearing now" I pointed to his body

"Thanks, what you doing anyway?"

"Getting the dresses to the hotel because the wedding is tomorrow, and remember be at the church for 5 okay" I looked at him and he nodded, I know he will as he is part of the groomsmen but I want tomorrow to go without a hitch so I had to double check at least one person knew

"Good, talk to you later" I waved bye and walked up the stairs seeing Alex in the guest room where I put them all

"Wow Mel, this dress Is gorgeous" Alex had the white casing unzipped and was admiring the dress hidden inside

"Yeah, it took a long time trying to find it" I smiled walked fully in the room

"You ready to go?" Everything which we needed for tomorrow was packed in my car including my dress and the suits for the boys

"YuP" Alex said popping the 'p'

"Vaminos" we jumped in the car and I drove out down to the hotel

"You excited?" Alex asked as we carried the dresses inside and up to the room

"I am but also nervous" I said

"How come?"

"I'm 19 if I was in America I would have finished school, my life still ahead of me. While other people would go out clubbing I'm here getting married. I don't care if I'm getting married because I love Ashton even if the first time I did it was because I was a fan and he didn't know I existed, I always dreamt that something would happen but I didn't realise it would become my reality, even if he has only known me for a few months and I've known him longer because of 5sos, there were so many times I wanted to say I loved him but I wasn't sure if I was, and when Ashton admitted it at Deans wedding I knew then that I did too. When ever he was close to me my stomach would tie in nots and It would feel like I wasn't breathing, the slightest things he would do makes me blush...I never realised I would be spending my life with him, out of all people....and I like it" I smiled looking down in my lap. We made it to the room while I was still talking and me and Alex decided to take a rest and sit on the sofa

"Wow...no words" Alex stared at me

"I'm sorry, got carried away then..." I looked up, my cheeks starting to flare red from embarrassment

"Its cute how you blush even when you talk about Ash" Alex poked my cheeks giggling

"Haha woopsies" I stuck my tongue out and got up

"Were you goinnn"

"Back to the car? We still have to bring the suits up to the room where the boys will be AND bring all the make up, shoes and that which we will be using" I said walking out waving my arm for her to come and follow

"Wait for me!" Alex ran out after me


"So after the bride walks in, I would like you Nick, the father. To let go of Melanie and she will walk the few steps extra up to Ashton. All the bridesmaids and grooms men will separate either side of the bride and groom-" we all nodded listening to the priest "-Chloe you will be holding Melanie's bouquet of flowers while the ceremony takes place" she nodded and smiled

"Ok shall we practice then...remember slow steps"

Ashton stood at the alter while the rest of us walked to the door getting in position

"Ok so the music would be playing now and that would be your cue to start walking in pair by pair with the bride following at the back" the priest said loudly so we could hear

Is this really happening tomorrow? This will be my reality, pews filled with family and friends. 

I just cant wait!


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