C H A P T E R 3 1

5 1 0

*Few months later*

"Girl you need to get up! You haven't moved from that bed since last night and its now 3 in the afternoon!" Chloe stated looking at me dead in the eyes when I opened them slightly from my sleep.

She had stayed over yesterday because I wasn't feeling to good and no one was going to be home just in case I did go into labour 2 days early, so Chloe offered to which meant listening to her endless stories about Luke and her and don't get me started on the more private discussions I feel like after all the intimate stories im now in their relationship the amount I know about their ideals

I had to throw a pillow at her face to shut her up. Which she only threw back with more force, I've never talked about my sexual life with anyone because its awkward. But Chloe...she just says it all, every detail no embarrassment shown anywhere. I feel sorry for the Luke girls though because what he does to Chloe I bet they wish it was them.

Why am I even remembering what he does. Its nasty for me because she is my best friend and he is my husbands best friend and band mate

No. Just No.

"Go away" I mumbled closing my eyes tight as more cramps came, I can't wait till this damn baby is out! I don't understand how women cope and those 16 girls and pregnant? I dislike the show and the pain but I'm 19..so it must be even worse for them because they aren't even fully developed until 18.

"No, I've sat here waiting. Listening to you letting rip and let me tell you I've used up one of your sprays just saying" Chloe shrugged sitting at the end of my bed, her head facing me

"Hey! Not my fault, pregnant women get gas. Just wait till you get knocked up. Ill take the piss out of you" I groaned feeling pressure build down below and no I wasn't talking about farting.

"That will be a while from now babes, anyway have you packed your things ready?" Chloe asked and I just nodded pointing to the big duffel bag on the floor closest to my door. It had everything I needed; new change of clothes, pads -because I don't like tampons- baby clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste... you get the idea

"Good good, will the boys be there?"

"If you mean Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum. Yes they should be, Ash hasn't stopped talking about seeing me again after 3 months especially with our new daughter on the way" I smiled, my eyes fully opened now and I leant against the headboard of my bed with chloe crossed legged at the end flipping her phone between her hands

"Yay! I miss them and me Luke, Calum and Michael need to talk over what your-..Shit" Chloe's hand covered her mouth before she could continue. Literally ever since that day everyone still does this, including my parents and I'm starting to get really pee'ed off about it. I know its about me and whenever I ask they do the same thing! Ignore me and change topic, honestly think of something more creative

"Are you ever going to tell me?" I asked waiting for her to blank out my question again

"Soon" Chloe replied with a one word answer

"That's it? 'Soon' nothing else just a bloody word! 3 months and I get one word which doesn't even explain the whole hush secret thing everyone's got ugh, hang on? Why didn't you mention Ashton when you said you needed to talk to the boys about my 'whatever'" I was so puzzled? Does that mean Ashton doesn't know either? Does he even know that there is this big secret that we don't know about?

"Its because he doesn't know either because it concerns both of you" Chloe blurted out while I was still thinking but she just answered my unanswered questions

"Oh" was all I said before I finally got out of bed because I needed a wee so bad I thought my bladder was going to burst, Chloe got the signal that I needed to go like 'Needed!' And she helped me get to the bathroom in time

"Beth your phone is buzzing, do you want it?" Chloe said peeping her head round the door as I was pee'ing

"who is it?" I motioned to the toilet then to the phone

"Umm..oh its Michael!" She smiled still standing by the now open door, so glad I have my own bathroom

"Can you answer It for me" I asked, Chloe nodded and I spun my finger in a circle so she could turn around so I could finish my business

"Oh right yeah course" she mumbled turning and closing the door only slight so I could hear the conversation which was on loud speaker

"Hey Michael" Chloe said into the phone

"Chloe? Where's Mel?" Michael replied puzzled

"She's on the toilet, you know us women"

"Oh is this a bad time to call?" Michael asked

"Nah, so what's you want purple haired boy" chloe opened the door and sat on the sink totally ignoring the fact I hadn't finished even when I told her to get out

"Oh alright, well the bus has broken down so we won't be back this afternoon." Michael said and both me and chloe could hear the sadness in his voice, we looked at eachother and showed the same expression Michael probably has right now

"What's happened?" I waved my hand so chloe could bring the phone down to my face so I could speak to him

"Hi Mel, and according to the driver the tires have burst so we need to wait until one of those repair van people come to fix it"

"Wow...do you know when the problem will be resolved?" I questioned

"Um hang on ill ask.." I could hear Michael pull the phone away and a muffled conversation came between him and one of the boys, I think it was Calum?

"Calum said the 8th at the latest because they are tight on staff and how far out we are.." I was right! Boo-yah..oh wait

"But that's two days after the baby is born? Are you sure they can't come any earlier?" I began biting my lip worrying that Ashton isn't going to be there when I go into labour. What am I going to do

"Breathe Melanie...got to go Mikey, Mel's having a panic while on the toilet" chloe shut the phone off putting on the edge of the sink as she grabbed hold of my hand telling me to calm down and to breathe because its not good for me or the baby

"Are you alright now" I nodded in response

"Ill give you a bit of time to yanno.." Chloe left the room finally, I did what I had to do before flushing the loo and washing my hands. Grabbing my phone and walking into my room sitting on my chair

"Chloe, what am I going to do? Ash was meant to be there but now.."

"Mel its going to be alright your mum is going to be there and I will if you want, I know I won't be Ashton but I can help" Chloe said to me kneeling down in front of me

"Thanks, your the best" I smiled as she stood up to hug me

"I know, I get told"

I shook my head laughing at her smartass comeback, let's hope tomorrow goes smoothly


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