C H A P T E R 4

78 6 0

'You Look So Perfect standing there

In my American Apparel underwear

And I know now, that I'm so down'


Damn our parents out did themselves, it was like we were going to live here not stay a couple of nights.

  The room was amazing - a cream coloured sofa facing a flat screen TV which was mounted on the wall with a few pictures scattered around, a coffee table was positioned in between the furniture on top of a simple brown rug and two glass doors lead out onto a small balcony over looking Manchester's shopping area

through an arch on the far side of the room lead into what appeared to be a mini kitchen?

oh my god! this place has everything! all I now need is wifi then im good to go

Behind us was a room which i was guessing is to be the bedroom. And yes I know.

why only one bedroom?

why not two?

me and Chloe like sharing a room because it's a big sleepover! but this suite obviously has two beds. i can't handle sharing my one at home because she sprawls out like a starfish leaving me no where to lie.

another TV on the wall facing the beds in the bedroom but it was smaller than the main one in the living area. Yep can't wait to use that in the morning.

"oh my bloody god!" Chloe poked her head round from a room attached to the bedroom.  I ran in and saw the most beautiful bathroom, well not as good as mine back home but this was a close second.  I fell down onto the sofa and began processing everything. First we are seeing 5sos tomorrow while living in a lap of luxury for 3 days. could life get any better?

 "soo whatchu wanna do Buddie?" Chloe lightly punched my arm to get my attention away from the TV and my thinking mode

"hmmm well it's six now so how about tea?" i asked after checking the time on my phone

"yeah kay but i wanna go to a restaurant please Melanie" Chloe was on her knees begging

"we have to because we got no food to cook" i said tapping Chloe's head

"YAY lets gooo amigo" Chloe shot up getting her shoes and purse, then i had to catch up and we walked out of the hotel into the car to find a restaurant to eat at


"wowza!" Chloe pulled up at this fancy restaurant in the middle of town. -it was one of the places which was requested in the mini leaflets left in the hotel room, which i quickly took with us on the way out

the building had big glass windows placed almost around the whole place, making it possible for people to look into the restaurant without actually dining there. Also double glass doors stretching to the tops of the outer brick walls. it looked so posh, i didn't really think we should be here considering from the looks of people inside, they were dressed all fancy in long dresses and suits.

where as me and Chloe were in 'comfort' clothes, and obviously going to get judged for our appearance which i wasn't looking forward too in the slightest.

"i guess let's go get something to eat then" i gulped getting ready for the stares and breathed in before stepping out of the vehicle, with Chloe as we linked arms making our way inside to the podium where we will hopefully be seated

"Hello table for 2 please" I said politely to one of the staff people who stood behind looking bored. I noticed it took us a few times until we actually got the Blonde haired dudes attention, and once he did his face lit up and a smile appeared on his face?

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