C H A P T E R 2 9

7 1 0

After Christmas the boys went back to Australia so they could spend new years with the rest of their family. And I haven't seen them since, sure we've skyped one another but they are now over in America doing music videos and recording for the album which is coming out this year. Finally.

I understand Ashton can't be with me 24/7 even if 7 months pregnant because he has a carrier to pursue with the rest of the band. Yes the baby is only two month away and he or she will be born when Ashton is touring the UK so I guess that's good timing as they will get some breaks in-between and part of that will be when I'm in labour. Just thinking about it now makes my stomach churn, a small human being will come out of my 'hooha' like how is that even possible? Babies heads are quite big so the pain must me.. I shivered slightly shaking my head from that thought

When that time comes ill cope but until then I need to think about the other things like what country we will be living in once the baby is born. Like will I be moving to Australia with Ashton or will his new home be here in the UK? Where are we going to live, because me and him have talked about looking at houses in both countries but we just haven't got round to do it as we have both been busy. Him with the band and me with the baby essentials.

"Mel, you got the doctors in half an hour to see if its a boy or a girl" Charlie told me while still staring at the tv. I have been to have my ultrasound done near the beginning of my pregnancy but after a lot of talking we decided to go and see what it will be.

"Oh yeah! I hope its a boy" Chloe said walking into the living room with a bowl of crisps

"No I want it to be a girl so we can dress her up" says Steph while grabbing her pepsi off the table

"Um peoples, I'm the one pregnant here" I waved my hand and pointed to my stomach

"Yeah so, we can still say our opinions. And I want it to be a boy so we can teach him to skateboard" Parker butted in as he sat on the arm of my chair

"Do you twins want to put some input into this conversation?" I asked Cory and Jordan. They shook their heads no

"Darling you ready to go?" Mum popped her head through the door looking at me. I nodded and got up, it took some time but I got onto my two feet eventually

"See you later guys, don't break anything, Deans down the hall with Harper. Bla bla bla you know what will happen if something bad happens anyway" I stated staring at each one of them before turning around and walking out with mother


"So sweetie do you know what you would like?" Mum asked breaking the comfortable silence as she drove to the doctors

"Now that I think about it, I honestly don't mind. As long as they are healthy that's all I care about, I'd be grateful with either gender" a small smile grew on my mothers lips when I said that

"That's the exact same thing I said to your father when he asked me what I wanted the first time, and I was blessed with Dean but when we had you 2 years after, that made our family complete. I loved how people imagine what they want their families to be like where the little girl has an older brother to protect her and that's just what we got. Two beautiful children" mum replied not taking her eyes off the road

"Here we are, do you want me to hold your phone when you get the scan because Ashton will be watching from skype am I correct?" Mum asked as we walked into the building.
I had this idea that because Ashton can't be here to see me get my scan but he can find out the same time I do with the power of skype. So mother will be holding my phone so Ashton can see everything and hear what gender our baby will be

"That is correct dear mother" I got my phone out to send Ashton a quick text while mum went to reception to say we have arrived.

Heyy Ash, just at Doctors waiting to get called. Get skype ready,
Love you xxx

Within a few minutes he replied with

Okay! We just finished recording and is on a break, can't wait for this album to be released. And our baby to be born xxx

He is so adorable, even when we have things going on in our lives 5 seconds of summer thinks about the fans and that's what I love about them 4 boys. I know I'm lucky to have friends and family like this but where ever you are, if you've been noticed by them or not they love you all because your family. I'm proud to be in the 5SOSfam as much as the next person

"Melanie Irwin to room C12" the intercom went off, here we go. Mum opened the door first after knocking and greeting the doctor.

"Hello Melanie I am Dr Dayne and on this it says you are here for a scan?" Dr Dayne said while he pointed at his clipboard. I nodded, not saying any words in response.

It can't only be me who doesn't speak to Doctor's no matter how old you are. You basically just stare at your mum until she answers for you and that's what I did.

"Yes Melanie is here for her scan, and would it be possible if we can skype her husband so he can see this too because he is away in America at the moment and wasn't able to make it" mum asked. She is a life saver I wouldn't be able to ask that, I hope I turn confident once I have this child

"Haha sure, that's fine" Dr Dayne chuckled because he could see my face calm and he knew I wasn't going to ask all that, not even say a simple hello. I'm that shy but I don't act like it to much because I'm comfortable round them

"Ok Mel can you lie down on the examining table and lift your top up so your bump is showing" mum had skype on and I could see Ashton smiling at me through my phone as I nervously raised my top until my bloated stomach was on show.

"This gel is going to be cold" he squeezed some blue gel onto my tummy and I squeaked as the substance touched my warm body

"Right ready Melanie and husband?" He looked into skype to see Ashton reply with 'its Ashton'

"Okay you two you can see the monitor-" we both nodded "-well that beat in the background is your childs heartbeat and if I move this-" he motioned to the weird thing they use to see what the baby looks like inside, don't ask what its called because I have no idea either "-we can now see the head, just resting above your pelvis, now as I move the transducer-" that's what its called I thought "-over to the top of your stomach the image on the ultrasound changes and this is how we can see what gender the baby will be because that's where the private parts are to tell" I could hear snickers coming from my phone, I turned my head to see Calum had a pillow shoved in his face by Ashton while Luke and Michael waved at me making me giggle.

"Melanie and Ashton do you want to know what sex the baby is now?" Dr Dayne said looking at me then into my phone. We both nodded before he opened his mouth

"Its a girl, congratulations you too." A big smile appeared on my face and Ashton had one two while all the boys were cheering in the background

"She should be due around March 6th okay" Dr Dayne said again

"Yes thank you" my first words to him were

"Wow she speaks" he joked earning a laugh from me. The Doctor wiped away the excess gel before I pulled my top back down and he handed me some pictures of the baby from the ultrasound

"Thank you again" my mum said as we said our goodbyes and walked out the building.

"Ashton can you believe that!" I said to him while we were still on skype. The rest of the boys had to go back to recording but Ashton wasn't needed yet so we got an extra 5 minutes
"I know, we are going to have a baby girl" he sighed smiling

"I love you and when our baby is born I will be there with you throughout labour, have to go now the boys are shouting me babe"

"Ok love you too Ashton, talk soon"


Who Knew This Would Happen?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora