Chapter 21

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Waking up, Jungkook felt no better. Yes, the tablets helped him sleep but by the time he woke up, those tablets had worn off. His head was screaming at him, as was his stomach. He knew he would not throw up again, but that did not stop the uneasy expression that came on his face when it made a noise of protest.

Once the boys noticed that he was waking up, they all began to collect the thing he might need before all crowding around him.

When he finally cracked his eyes open, he was met by the kind smiles of the guys he loved the most. He truly didn't know what he'd do without them. He had grown so accustomed to having them all around at all times that he didn't know what would happen if they were to leave. He couldn't bare to think about that, it was making his headache a whole lot worse.

He slowly lifted his head from where he was situated on Jin's lap, blinking slowly around at everyone surrounding him. He felt so lightheaded so sitting up was quite difficult for him. Jin noticed that, so he brought his arms around the boy and helped to stable him and bring him up.

"We'll need to get more tablets into you baby as I expect that the others have stopped working." Namjoon spoke with a kind smile.

Jungkook wouldn't admit it but he loved the pet names that they were using. He hoped they'd still use them after he was well again.

He replied with a small nod, not wanting to fuss this time as they had really helped him. He knew it would be over quicker if he just agreed.

"We also need you to eat something, it has been a little while since you've had any proper food." Jin explained, but carried on after he saw Jungkook pull an uncomfortable face. "Look, I know you don't want to eat anything sweety, but you need to. Your body is weak enough and without the food you will not get better. I won't give you too much, just enough to give your body the nutrients it needs. Alright?"

Receiving a small nod in response, Jin got up from his place on the sofa and headed to the kitchen, Taehyung taking his spot beside Jungkook and keeping him stable.

Yoongi once again brought over the tablets, another glass of water with it.

"Here hun, take these." He spoke sweetly, passing the glass of water to Taehyung for him to help.

Jungkook reluctantly took the tablets into his hand and put them in his mouth, grimacing at the foul taste, gulping down some water to take them down. After the taste had left his mouth he stopped drinking the water and instead settled his head against Tae's shoulder.

Taehyung lent forward placing the glass on the table in front of them, before backing into the sofa, making sure Jungkook was comfortable and warm.

Shortly after Jin returned with a tray of food. It was filled with a load of different things such as fruits, porridge, yoghurts, and a steaming bowl of soup.

"I didn't know what you fancy so I've brought a selection of things that will all help give you nutrients no matter what you have. I'd like you to have a bit of the soup as it should help with your nausea."

Jin took the seat the other side of Jungkook, placing the tray onto the table and picking up the soup. He took a spoon and put a generous amount of the soup on it, blowing gently to make sure it wouldn't burn the youngest's mouth. He brought the soup up to Jungkook's mouth, the boy silently complying and opening it enough for the spoon to go in. This continued for another few mouthfuls until Jungkook refused anymore saying he was full.

"Ok, I won't force you to have anymore, but at least have something else. For me." Jin spoke softly.

Jungkook nodded softly, looking at the fruit. He thought that the fruit would be the easiest thing to get through. Jin nodded picking up the bowl of cut fruits and brought a piece of strawberry up to his mouth.

Jungkook slowly ate the fruit, loving the taste of the sweet things on his tongue. He ate about half of the bowl until he felt he was too full to eat anything else.

His hyungs smiled, happy that he had eaten that much as they had thought that he might've been stubborn with them.

"Now, before you go back to sleep, we should probably get you out of those sweaty clothes and into something more comfortable, hmm?" Hoseok said gently, a small smile on his face.

"I'll go make a bath whilst one of you bring him." Jin spoke towards the rest, leaving to the bathroom.

"Tae, how about you take him whilst the rest of us clear up and make it more comfortable here, I expect we'll be spending the night here." Yoongi said to the second youngest. He nodded and slowly helped Jungkook the bathroom, Jimin following behind in case he was needed and also bringing the clothes.

Once they were out of sight and Jimin had came back, Yoongi turned to the rest of them with a small smile on his face.

"How about we make a small fort for us all so us and Jungkook can be comfortable down here tonight. We can set it up by the tv so we can watch some movies." He said, receiving excited responses agreeing with him. "Let's get to work then!"

I don't even know what this story is anymore. Its literally gone from a zombie story to this.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! If you want to give any feedback or anything you'd like to be in this story please tell me and I will try to include it.

Love ya!


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