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The room was huge gold and royal purples splashed all over the place deep blues and velvet furniture inhabited by gang members form all over the country. From the debt squads to the club owners, money counters and capos to the higher ups and finally us. The group at the top of the passione food chain, and as we arrived one by one the parts mood seemed to shift. Whispers from all over as we were let in as security pulled back the deep red rope to let us in. The lights were grand and bright and the music played loudly through the room. The air smelled of colone perfume and fresh fruit and was a refined and clean smell, me and pannacotta both walked all the way to the middle of the room as I marvelled at it all.

"Panna look at all the people" I said twirling around him and beaming at everything around me. "It's so pretty and elegant" I swayaed from side to side as the music playing from the stage in the far side of the room rung softly through the ballroom. I looked up at fugo who was smiling wide and holding my shoulder. "It's brilliant isn't it?" He spoke softly but just enough for me to hear. I nodded and lead him around the room going over to a seat in the corner and sitting down. "I'll be back in a moment stay here" I smiled again as he sat down and I ran off to find some people.

I waltzed off to the bar first getting two drinks both wine and waiting for them. "Hi there doll how-" "no" I swivelled around to see a thug behind me with sloppily held back hair and a few missing teeth. "Wh- oh you're diane. Forgive me ma'am" he bowed and scrambled away as I scoffed and rolled my eyes, both my drinks being handed over. "Thank you" the bartender nodded as I walked away still trying to find him.

Before finally I spotted his pastel head of hair laughing among his teammates. "MICHAEL" I called out as he swivelled around to meet my eyes. "Diane oh my god you look great" he smiled and gave me a hug as I saw what he was wearing. Michael was in a plain pastel blue suit with a matching waistcoat and a black shirt and grey tie. "I could say the same to you. You all look so good tonight" I said looking to the members of la squadra that were dotted in a group. Ghiaccio was in an ocean blue suit, melone was of course in purple, but his waistcoat had circle patterns on it, formaggio was in a soft orange suit, Illuso was in a darker blue suit with a purple tie, risotto was in a black suit with a white shirt and tie, prosciutto was in a deep blue three piece with a black waistcoat that had his regular attires pattern on it and finally Pesci was in a more ochre yellow suit with a little bow tie. "Michael come with me you can bring whoever I just wanted to talk to you"

Michael nodded dragging Illuso with him and following me back to fugo who was patiently waiting. "Panna I'm back" I said handing him a wine and sitting down. He smiled and looked to Michael and Illuso. "Ahhhh fugo hello again. How are you" Michael asked bear hugging him. "Oh I'm fine how are you" he asked actively ignoring Illuso who just scowled at him. "Oh for gods sake not this again. What's your name" I asked Illuso who just looked down at me and replied a little bored. "Illuso what's yours?" He held out his hand and I shook it. "Diane giovanna" Illuso smiled a little nodding gently before turning to fugo.

"Soooo~ fugs you tied the knot yet?" I swivelled on my heel to see poor fugo being interrogated by a much taller man with pastel hair. "Uhhh yes we did kinda look cmere" fugo whispered something to Michael who looked wide eyed at fugo before smiling wide. "I wish you the best of luck my good friend. Go get er" I cocked an eyebrow at the deceleration but shrugged it off as I left Illusos side and walked to the other two. "So what have you two chaotic spirits been up to?" I smiled only to be met with silence. "Oh cmon I'm trying to make small talk, entertain me just this once. " I posted at both men before hearing the shift in music. A slow dance was beginning and as cliche would have it fugo cleared his throat and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance Tesoro?" I blushed a little and nodded taking his hand. "Always"

We both tapped our way to the dancefloor as I truely felt the whole aura of the room change. The lights were dim but bright enough to light up both of our eyes and make the crimson of our suits swirl together like a whirlpool as we swayed twirled and stepped to the slow beat of the song. Stepping in perfect sync and tangled in one another as I wrapped my arms around his neck and lent my head on his shoulder. He moved his hands to snake around my waist leaning his head on my own a single blonde lock of hair sticking out cutely. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are pannacotta" I swayed left and right mumbling into his jacket as he nodded. "Have I ever told you?" He answered back as he swayed left and right again.

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