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"I know who you are, and what the purpose of today truly was"

Everyone looked at me. Everyone tense as I stared at giorno in the eyes "I told you to stay away from all this" I saw giornos hands clenched, he gulped hard looking back at me nervous yet stern. "You could've gone places giorno. Big places, yet you chose to throw away everything to go to the biggest gang in Italy. To be honest, I don't want to join you, but someone's gotta be here to balance out a few things." I laughed sadly at that last part.

Giorno looked at the ground tears welling in his eyes as the Ferris wheel began to slowly move a soft jutering filling the silence that loomed over the large kart. "Gio Gio I know I have history and a few bad memories but I'll help you" I said softly immidietly flashing back to the casino and the office and the headquarters of the old mafia I was a part of. "Besides I needed to tell you something that makes this decision easier anyway" he only looked up at me confused, eyes glazed over with tears as I looked at him with a sad smile. "What is it" he asked

"I'll tell you later.... it's family stuff" he nodded in understanding and Bruno cleared his throat . "Well changing the subject. What did you mean by balancing a few things out" he raised one eyebrow leaning on his thighs as the fair lights made his crystal blue eyes look like tiny led lights. "Well, one: Giorno needs someone to lean on, I know him better than all of you and he's too reckless when he's not around a shoulder to cry on, though given the circumstances I think you might know that" I crossed my arms putting two fingers on my chin and tapping my foot slightly.

"Two it's an utter sausage fest and Trish needs to not be the only girl, it can get tiring sometimes." I smiled softly at Trish who gave me a thumbs up and a nod.

"Three: who knows when you'll need me. I'm well versed in all kinds of self defence and stuff, I might choose not to use my stand but I can still be useful in protecting the people my brother considers family" giorno looked at the floor and fugo looked curious at the statement. I wonder why he was so interested when I mentioned not using my stand.

"Four: it's not like I've got anything better to do. Hell im working a minimum wage job at a cafe with three other people" Mista grabbed abbaccios arm at the beginning of my sentence and abbaccio just rolled his eyes. Bruno looked at me a little worried.

"And five: sorry for saying this giorno, but when Gio Gio can't sleep he asks me to sing to him, can't have a mafia boss low on sleep ya know" giorno covered his face with his hands and yelled "OK THATS ENOUGH YOU CAN JOIN" abbaccio let out a low chuckle at the statement and narancia and Mista burst into laughter.

"WAIT REALLY" Mista choked out between laughs as he and the ravenette next to him clutched their stomachs. "WHAT SONGS DO YOU SING" narancia spluttered out still giggling like a schoolgirl. "Well my favourite to sing to him is fly me to the moon. He likes the English version too. Me on the other hand, I like a few different ones a lot are full on songs but lullaby's are always fun." I smiled a little and chuckled at the groaning giorno in the corner.

————— I told Diavolo he was muda, so he showed me his kingu crimson—————

Once I'd  gotten into the limo that Bruno had practically forced me into we began to drive to the apartment. I'd  managed to tell giorno about the rent problem and he'd told me that i was now living in the passione manor now anyway and that i didn't have a choice. I'd opened the door to the apartment as Mista narancia Trish fugo and giorno all came in to help pack. Mista and narancia went to help giorno while fugo and Trish went to help me .

"Ok so here's the plan. I'll pack everything from the closet you guys can help with the covers and my other two pairs of shoes I guess." I said sheepishly. These people were unimaginably rich and I was in a small cheap apartment with only one closet  with clothing, the covers that were on my bed, and the three pairs of shoes i owned, one of them on my feet. "Ok sounds good but I'm taking you shopping after this, is this really all you have" Trish asked me a little concerned. "Yeah" I sighed.

Uncontrollable (pannacotta fugo x reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें