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It was the evening that I'd see my best friends again. This dinner has to go perfectly. Hmmm what should I cook. Maybe spaghetti. No no that's way too simple. Maybe pizza. That seems easy but it's really casual. Should I make carbonara and garlic bread. Maybe that would work. No spaghetti is a better fit right besides we had carbonara yesterday. Oh well spaghetti with garlic bread and meatballs. Done none of them are vegetarian or vegan so we should be good.

"I need the kitchen evacuated for one hour" I yelled through the door tying my golden locks into a ponytail and pulling it tight. "Ooooh what are you making" Mista asked leaning over the arm of the sofa so that he was upside down. Somehow the beanie he was wearing didn't slip off. "I'm making some spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. It's all homemade too. Is that ok with you" I asked rolling up my sleeves and heading to the kitchen. He nodded and smiled widely "yeah make sure you make the garlic bread properly or abbaccio will get really pissy" he laughed at his own joke and I chuckled slightly at the comment. Abbaccio however who was sitting in the corner reading a book grunted and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

I went to the kitchen grabbing a bag of Doritos from narancia and sealing them with a clip before raising an eyebrow at him "awwwww diannnneee I was hungryyy" he wailed slouching his shoulders dramatically. "Well you'll be getting a full dinner remember we've got guests so I can't have you getting Dorito crumbs all over the floor before they come." I said ushering him out of the door and handing him a carton of orange juice. "Here Nara take thi and go play video games or something." I said giving him a smile as he snatched the juice and beamed at me "sure!" He yelled excitedly.

After ridding the kitchen of everyone else I wiped down the sides washed my hands and gathered everything I'd need. I first made the sauce mixing in tomatoes herbs a few spices some finely chopped onions a few cloves of garlic a tiny bit of sugar salt and pepper and letting it slowly cook on the stove.
Next up was the pasta. I boiled some water and took out a few handfuls of spaghetti enough to feed everyone plus our guests and let it rest on the edge of the pot adding a little salt to the water.
Next was the garlic bread, so while occasionally stirring the sauce or checking the pasta I melted some butter and crushed some garlic and chopped some fresh parsley adding it all to the butter. After checking everything on the stove I took a large knife and began to cut a huge baguette into slices placing each of them on a tray before covering one side of each in the garlic butter and a little over the sides. With all that out of the way I placed them in the oven and yelled out to Mista giorno and fugo to help set the table.

I told fugo to look after the food while I cleaned up and got dressed and he happily obliged stirring the sauce or the pasta every now and then and keeping an eye on the garlic bread.

I went to my room grabbing a light grey pair of tight jeans and a (fav/colour) button up with white pinstripes. I washed my hands and face quickly before putting everything on along with my strawberry jewellery and a mismatched pair of earrings. I had a dangling little pink dice in one ear and a hanging tiny queen of hearts playing card in the other. Content with my choices I went back down to cooking only to hear a knock at the door.

"Shit that must be them, ILL GET IT" I yelled rushing to the door in my blue high tops. I opened the door to be met with three beaming faces. "DIANE YOU FINALLY GOT A SUGAR DADDY IM SO PROUD" peter was yelling through the door as Valerie pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh my god" she yelled "Jess calm down and what" I asked smiling at my friends antics "HE FUCKING PROPOSED" she screamed while jumping up and down peter squealed and joined her like giddy school girls.

"What no I'm not even taken this was a gift from pan-" "THATS so great diane, Congratulations" Ethan spoke up beaming wide. "You too, cmon just come in and sit down I'll introduce you to everyone. First of all though I have to say that, one I'm not engaged I'm not even taken, two, I DONT have a sugar daddy this house is shared by a bunch of people and three... please try not to be too chaotic there are people here that are quite sophisticated." I said leading them to the living room. "Panna is everything ok in here" I said walking to the doorway of the kitchen to see everything already plated and ready to go. "Mhm I'll bring everything in soon." He smiled and I sighed and nodded.

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