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Me and fugo sat on trishs bed I was fidgeting with my hands as Trish pulled up a chair, "Wait here and do whatever I gotta go grab something. Don't get to exited though" she said leaving the room and shutting the door. "So do you wanna talk about it before she comes back" fugo hesitated before speaking , looking at me with a sheepish expression while rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh yeah that's probably best. Who wants to go first" I asked twirling my thumbs. I was anxious to talk about it but it's not like I could pretend It didn't happen. "Well I mean first of all I guess I should clarify, uhm I do like you. Like a lot. God I e never done this before but you make me feel some sort of way you know. I'm bad at this I'm sorry." He muttered towards the end looking down.

"Hey don't apologise it's your first confession and I'd like to tel, you that I think I love you but with everything happening so fast I kinda wanna take things a lot slower you know. It's only been two days and already I'm catching feelings you know. I don't want to say that I love you if it's clouded by other things. All I ask is that you give me a moment or two to gather myself and get used to the change, you know reboot my brain before I make decelerations to get in the way of a relationship. I want a relationship with you but I don't think I'm in the right mindset at the moment." A pursed my lips before giving a sad smile.

"That's fine with me make sure you can gather yourself first, you mean a lot to me and I don't want to stress you out." He held my shoulders gently giving me a soft smile. I blushed lightly and smiled back. "I guess it's my turn to answer the questions huh" he nodded softly as I motioned for him to ask away.

"What aspect of you is that uncontrollable. I mean I'm just confused I have some anger issues that take my stand from a one to a solid fifty but you seem to nice for that" I chuckled slightly at the statement. "Well the uncontrollable part is my addiction, specifically my gambling addiction, I used to work at a casino I'll tell you about that later though, I was always fascinated by the games I would watch over and soon enough I was invited to play, I played and couldn't stop ended up finding a way out of it somehow but I refuse to gamble unless it's with close friends for that reason. As for its powers, I think the observation thing is all to do with how closely I pay attention to the gamblers around me, even with opponents I'm hyper focused on their next move and how to play my cards right, and the whole nightmare thing underneath, well I think that's my past, but it could be so many other things."

I layed down on the bed ruffling a hand through my hair when I felt the weight on the mattress shift signalling that fugo had also layed next to me. He had his hands behind his head. "Like what" he asked "what do you mean" I questioned back he turned his head to meet my gaze. "What else do you think it could be"

I looked away from him before sighing and answering him. "Well mainly the way my parents treated giorno and me, maybe the fact that I myself physically changed over the years, the fact I used to be an absolute savage of a child to protect that blonde idiot downstairs, or maybe it's just my Personality, Michael thinks it's the fact that gambling is all about deception so even my stands looks deceive you" I finished on Michael smiling, he was always so strong when something like this happened, why couldn't I be like that.

"Michael, that's the friend that taught you to play instruments right?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. "Yeah he a
So used to have the house that me and Gio Gio would stay at if home got a little too much." I bit my lip remembering how we were treated back home.

"If it's not too touchy, what.....what happened... with your parents. Giorno has that photo in his wallet is that your father?" He asked. "That one is a long story but to put it bluntly my biological fathers name is dio Brando, I've been trying to find out more about him ever since I learned his name from my mother, as for...... what happened....... well my mother would leave both me and giorno in the house even when we were toddlers so that she could go out partying and drinking, when she married my stepfather he used to... hurt us both. Just to let off some steam. Me and giorno tried to find out what he was like most of the time, testing his moods weather we could leave our room or not. Then once I was fourteen I took giorno and left. We were living in Michael's house until I got a job and a family friend of Michael's let us stay in an apartment for cheaper rent than normal." I crossed my arms over my stomach lacing my fingers as I looked back at fugo who had sorrow in his eyes.

Uncontrollable (pannacotta fugo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now