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Usually, when a man or a woman come home from a long day at the office, at the police station, or even from their job at the grocery store, the number one thing they expect to do once they get home is greet their spouse, their family, their pets, enjoy a good dinner, and relax before heading towards a much needed rest.

But what do you do coming home after a stressful day and a half of being brainwashed, forced into yet another marriage, fight off a massive B.O.W and save many civilians from being flesh eating beasts?


Sleep was all you wanted to do once you headed home. After flying back towards the landing dock where you had first arrived with Chris and Rebecca for your search for Leon, you spent a couple of hours being gawked at by many questionable BSAA field medics on why a woman with a massive wound on her chest appeared to have survived a bloody massacre out of her own wedding. You couldn't really blame them for thinking that, you just wished they could've not said it while cleaning your burns with a stinging medicated gel.

As much as you wanted to lash out to the medics assisting you in cleaning you for asking so many questions, they were immediately shut up by the death glares of their captain and your husband.

Chris himself, irritated by the lack of respect towards you from his men, immediately told them about you, which caused their demeanor to change entirely.

You didn't blame them for not knowing your true identity, you weren't expecting every man and woman to recognize you on the streets, even when your DNA was used to create a cure for a disease their family member may have had.

You were stripped away from your wedding dress, requesting the article of clothing to be burned immediately after being given a black pair of pants and dark army green t-shirt to wear. While you really wanted to get rid of every piece of evidence that symbolized anything with Arias, you at least wanted to keep the ring.

You survived being in the clutches of a grieving monster, you felt like you highly deserved the chunk of change you received after pawning off the jewelry.

After an hour or so of simple conversation with Chris and Rebecca for your future plans, you and Leon finally went home. But not before you asked Leon to stop somewhere to pick up burgers, which he didn't refuse.

Another downside of saving the world is you're robbed of basic needs, like food, for many many hours.
You were guilty for feeling hungry while you shot zombies in the head or stabbed glass into a mutated beast, you're sure it was a normal thing for anyone else in your position.

It started to rain by the time Leon came back to the vehicle with a paper bag in hand, distracting you from staring at the windows as rain drops rippled along the surface. For a moment, you had considered heading inside and eating there, only you weren't wearing shoes.
Although you could've easily pulled it off Mia Wallace style if the burger place looked like the one in Pulp Fiction.

The night skies were dark as the rain grew heavier, but thankfully the streets were scarce with traffic, giving Leon an easy drive home while you munched on a few fries.

"Sherry's waiting at home," Leon spoke, keeping his attention on the road, "She said Jack's doing well, he loved the morning run she did with him. Oh, and she liked the soup you made."

You let out a small chuckle, chewing on a fry while recalling the soup you had made for a dinner you had never gotten to eat. At least it didn't go to waste, you could take Sherry's word for it.

"We should pay her."

"I got her a burger. She said that's all she wanted."

Walking through the front door had been more of a relief than anything else. The familiar furniture, the distinctive smell, the warm comforting lights. It was your home, and it was the safest place you could ever be.

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