Chapter 2

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Your fingers lightly ran along the cold buckles that kept your gun strapped to your thigh, your hair slightly framing your face as you kept your head down, feeling slightly irritated due to the constant rattling of the blades of the BSAA issued plane.

Usually before, it never bothered you, not even once. But you knew since you were so racked up with nervousness and anxiety, it was a result of that of the slight sickness. You were on your way to Colorado, where Chris told you Leon was located. He managed to get the information after some convincing, which made you wish you could've consulted Chris sooner for the help.

You folded your hands together in your lap while you crossed your legs, looking forward at the dull army green walls in front of you, decorated with tan netting and various ropes that held the seats attached to the walls of the plane. As excited as you were to finally see your husband, you were more nervous to meet him, and a fair amount of angry. But you kept the anger aside for now.

"I can't believe you can read a book at a time like this," Rebecca broke you from your plaguing thoughts, having you look over towards the woman as she stared at the BSAA soldier sitting across from her, holding a brown leather colored book in his black gloved hands.
"Huh?" The man looked up, too caught up in his reading to recognize that she was speaking to him.

"I guess it's one way to pass the time." Rebecca smirked a bit, seeing the man nod in agreement.

"Well, someone once said that knowledge is power."

"Francis Bacon." Rebecca pointed out, the soldier closing his book with a smile on his face. "It only takes one bullet to bring the enemy down, but with knowledge, you can defeat all evil."

You looked back at Rebecca, seeing her slowly recross her arms as she nodded, a firm smile planted on her face. You looked back down at your lap, your mind processing the soldier's words in attempts to block out the others in your mind.

"Hey," The female soldier spoke up, sitting at least a seat away from Rebecca, "Is it true what they say? You switched from Special Ops to science geek?"

You heard Rebecca hum in agreement, but you didn't bother to look up to show you were listening.

"Man," the female soldier looked away, "The BSAA's chocked full of people with wierd resumes. Bet you were pretty brainy to start with. So.. why'd you switch?"

"That's a story," Rebecca sighed, shaking her head slightly as she began to recall the events of her past, "I used to be a medic in the S.T.A.R.S unit, in Raccoon City." You picked up your head this time, looking at Rebecca with a slightly surprised look written all over your face. It's been a while since I heard of that, or even thought of it.

"I guess in a way I've always been interested in medical science. Then one day I decided to make it my duty to stop people from abusing it." Rebecca looked to the others who watched her, including you. "I thought 'Here are these corporations, run by scum, praying on the weak.' They're like a disease on humanity. I wanna find a cure, Same as Chris. The difference is, He uses his brawn, while I use my brain." Rebecca added a bit of a humorous remark at the end of her sentence, making you smile a bit in amusement.

"So brains and brawns working together to save humanity," The pilot spoke up this time, "What do you think your chances are?"

"What's that supposed to mean Damian?" Rebecca asked, making the pilot chuckle slightly. "Nothin. Just like uhh, what if this disease don't got no cure?"

This caused the first soldier, D.C., shook his head and gestured his hand out towards Rebecca. "The assholes we're after, they treat life and death like they're shooting Craps. Bunch of dicks."

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