Chapter 3

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The day was beautiful.
Bright blue skies with white fluffy clouds, the sun beating down on the top of your head. Birds chirped from their nests built in the copious amounts of pine trees surrounding the building. The breeze wasn't too strong, delivering the wonderful scent of pine as it took strands of your hair dancing while you approached the entrance, Chris grabbing ahold of the handle of the door.

"Wait," You suddenly spoke out, having Chris and Rebecca look towards you in question. "I.. uh, I need a minute." You stepped away from the entrance, stopping at least half a foot away from the door.

"Are you alright?" Rebecca asked, stepping forward to you slowly. You nodded, crossing your arms while you took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need a minute, You two go on inside."

"You sure?" Chris asked, seeing you nod to him before slowly turning away, hearing your heart pounding in your ears as you gazed at the empty road next to the forest. You heard the creaking of the door opening before both of them entered inside, followed by the sound of the door closing behind them.

You didn't know why you began to feel this way, but you didn't like what you were feeling. Half of you was nervous, your hands trembling from within your folded arms as you bit your bottom lip, feeling your anxiety start to come through.
Then, you found yourself biting down on your lip harder, followed by the hard tapping of your left foot against the cobblestone ground.

You were angry, furious even, at Leon himself. The fact that he would cut off connections like this and disappear off the grid was a horrid thing to do. You worried for him for three whole months, going as far as growing frightful of the worst happening to him, especially with these attacks going around. Now, he was just inside this building, and it took you everything you had not to barge in and throw him to the ground.

After a moment longer of convincing yourself you wouldn't hurt him just yet, you approached the door and grabbed the heavy handle, pulling it open. You entered the beautifully built building, your combat boots creating loud footsteps on the wood floors as you walked in, slightly surprised at the cozy lighting created from the large open windows.

You turned your attention towards the various empty tables, spotting the only table in the center that was occupied. You spotted Rebecca and Chris, seeing a third party member appearing to be the only one sitting down at the table, adorning a dark leather jacket and familiar hairstyle you've always seen on him, appearing slightly longer.

Leon turned his gaze towards you, showing you his shocked expression, just as surprised as you were to see him in a place like this. He looked rather exhausted, a light unkept scruff forming along his lower jaw. He looked as handsome as ever, but that didn't stop the emotions that threatened to spill out of the bottle if you didn't hold it closed.

Leon yanked his arm from Chris' hold, showing you that he was holding a silver flask in his hand. He set the container down slowly on the table next to his empty bottle and glass, his gaze never leaving yours.

"(Y/N)." His voice sounded more rough than you remembered it. "What're you doing here?"

"I should be the one asking you that question." Your tone came out a bit more bitter than you wanted it to be, but you couldn't help it.

You walked to the table slowly, seeing Rebecca be the first to take a seat at the table. "Leon, I'm sorry to interrupt your vacation," Rebecca looked over at you as you took a seat next to her, keeping your gaze down at the table for a moment, "But we wouldn't be here if it wasn't serious. We think you might have some intel and we need it. Now."

Unrequited Circumstances-Resident Evil VendettaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat