Chapter 11

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Rebecca's dress was absolutely beautiful. The way it clung to her form with copious amounts of white lace and elegant beading from the turtleneck collar down to her long sleeves and bodice. What appeared to top it all was the sheer white fabric that over laid the lace skirt that halted over her knees that seemed to mimic the rest of the skirt.

It was a beautiful dress.

You figured it must've been Arias' late wife's dress, but why it was on Rebecca you didn't know. You had a pretty good idea, but you decided to save the thought just in case something else were to pop up, but from telling all of the signs, you were positive on your personal theory.

You stood silent at the back of the room for a short while, kept occupied by Rebecca's sleeping figure and your curiosity of what was in the boxes that rested on each chair at every table. Your curiosity was silenced when some began to rattle and shake like maracas, the ever familiar sound of broken, rotted voice boxed filled groans confirmed your lingering suspicions quick.

Those have to be zombies, right? But then why would he keep them in boxes? Why does he even want zombies in here in the first place?

The rattle of chains against metal cut off your thoughts, your attention going towards Rebecca as her arms struggled against the handcuffs that secured her to the seat.

You contemplated on approaching Rebecca to help her from the cuffs, you wanted to get her out of here in general. Arias had plans for you, and created you to be his slave. Now it seemed he was gonna focus his attention on Rebecca now, for your theory you highly hoped wouldn't be correct.

Your gaze lingered to Rebecca's cuffed hands a few moments longer, wondering if their was any key you needed to unlock them. You were told not to make your presence known to her, but Arias wasn't in the room. So how would he know?

Rebecca didn't appear to notice your presence just yet. Her quick inhaled of breath followed by her shaking palms were results of her attention being towards the zombies in the boxes, her fear overrunning her senses.

You slowly exhaled, taking one step forward as to not make much of a sound. The sound of your heel betrayed you immediately, creating a click! Against the ground that was enough to steal Rebecca's attention for a split second. A small gasp escaped her lips as her head turned slightly, making you freeze.

All hopes for attempting to free her halted when the doors opened, none other than Glenn himself proceeding to enter the room casually.

You slowly slid your foot back to its former position, biting your bottom lip a bit as you were left to watch like a quiet guest. The last thing you wanted was for him to catch notice of your attempts, and harm you with his horrid shock to the device.

"I've succeeded in reanimating them, but," He began to speak, standing at the opposite end of the room, "I haven't figured out how to keep the bodies from rotting away. Yet."

"Practice makes perfect." Rebecca hesitantly replied, attempting to keep her fear down to a visual minimum.

Glenn proceeded to walk towards the table, walking amongst the decorated tables containing the boxed zombies. "Meet my guests, My family and some of my dearest friends." He turned his head to look over to one of the boxes, which you proceeded to look at to find that the cover had been opened somehow, revealing a skeletal like grey hand scratching against the edge in a way to escape.

"Professor Rebecca Chambers," Glenn stopped at the corner edge of the table, "Welcome. I'm Glenn Arias."

He made his way behind her, keeping his attention with her the entire time, thankfully ignoring you as you were left to watch.

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