Chapter 13

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Your body was laying on its right side, the time you remained there had been lost to whoever had walked past you, which had been no one for quite a while.

Your breathing grew slightly labored as you started to regain consciousness, completely unaware of how long you've been out for. Your eyes remained closed, your lids feeling too heavy to open.

You tried to think of where you were, seeming to recall no memory whatsoever, besides pain. The area sounded quiet, and the floor you were on was hard and cold. And wet.

Wet? You questioned, noticing the back of your palm which laid limp against the ground felt oddly sticky and damp.

It was enough to encourage you to open your eyes faintly, the bright light and boring beige walls of the hallway unable to give you the slightest clue of where you were. It remained so until you looked to your hand, feeling a faint shot of panic and surprise shoot through your sore body.

Blood. You thought, Dark blood. It's been here a while.. but not too long.

Your eyes traveled slowly towards the source of the blood, surprise flooding your mind once again as you met the view of the slumped over soldier a few short feet away from you. His body had been there for a good while, the visible bullet holes being an exit for all the blood that pooled on the ground.

Not only has the blood surrounded your hand, it traveled to your arm and side, staining your white shirt sleeve a bright crimson, and bathing your nose with an unpleasant smell.

You turned your hand around slowly, pressing your palm against the bloody ground. The simple action made you hiss, failing to realize until now how hot and uncomfortable the scarab continued to feel on your chest, beads of blood escaping in incredibly thin lines.
Despite your aching muscles crying from a lingering soreness, you managed to bring yourself up onto your knees, seeing just how much the blood had touched your body. Your cheek even felt uncomfortably stiff and sticky, making you shiver from the sensation.

I killed this soldier. You looked over to the body, seeing the bullet holes, only their was no gun in sight. You questioned why you killed him, feeling like you did it for an important reason.

You exhaled slowly, moving yourself to get to your feet, pushing through the stumbles it took to stable yourself. You looked ahead at the hallway, your mind still blank on where you were. You spotted another dead soldier a few feet ahead on the other side of the hallway, the walls smeared with dark blood splatters and streaks where the body had slumped.

What the hell? Did I do that? What did I do?

You walked over slowly, your left hand finding itself grabbing your side from a sharp pain in your side. Nothing was there, no wound whatsoever, but your whole body was in a tremendous amount of pain. You glimpsed at the body, staring at it for a few more moments before looking ahead towards the end of the hallway, not quite sure where to go.

You slowly walked to the end, lingering against the wall before you reached the corner. Before you turned, you couldn't help but slump slightly against the wall, your hand clutching your side as you took a moment to regain your quickly depleting breath. While finding an exit seemed like the most incredible idea, your mind was telling you something else for an unknown reason. You felt this strange urge to find something, or someone even. You didn't know why, but the thought was enough to pull you away from finding an exit.

Feeling more confident to continue your walk, you slowly turned the corner, only to be met with yet another similar, long and boring hallway. Your disappointment was short lived when you spotted a couple of items on the ground, ones you weren't expecting.

Unrequited Circumstances-Resident Evil VendettaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin