chapter 5: on the job part 1

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Song: TXT (투모로우바이투게더) '9와 4분의 3 승강장에서 너를 기다려 (Run Away)' Official MV ( ok I'm gonna be honest with you guys- I searched up "music for writing runaway chapters" and this showed up -I don't even know who these guys are- so I'm sorry if you got excited)

In this chapter, the zodiacs run into trouble while reflecting on memories and parts of their past, along with the most bizarre and unlikely comfort & bromance between two characters, along with more insight on a certain girl, and her unusual fear of window cills, and the possible signs of forgiveness between two boys who feel guilty about their actions towards each other.

(Maybe I'll add these little insights to every chapter...maybe)

MINI POLL; should I add these little insights to every chapter?




(first one to poll to ten will be elected)

For those of you who forgot the jobs of the zodiacs and are too lazy to go back, here are their jobs listed below:

scavengers (the ones who look for supplies):

~♈Aires- basement

~♓Pisces- attic

~Cancer & Leo- kitchen

distributor (the one who distributes equally amongst the group and make sure they don't get more than they need):


night watchers (the ones who watch over the passed out drunks and make sure they don't find out about the plan):



~and ♎Libra

girl scouts (the one who ties the knots of the blankets to create a rope for their escape plan)



cam man (the one who gets ahold of the security feed so they can monitor everyone) {also works with the camp counselor}

~♉ Taurus

camp counselor (the one who supervises and checks in on everyone) {also works with the cam man}


I clearly had too much fun with the nicknames... can't say I regretted it though...

anyways! on with the story~

~with the scavengers (♈Aries♈)~

After the night watchers went to go and 'night watch' the boozers, me and pieces split up from the gals and went to our own designated areas, mine was the basement, "let's just get this over with" I mumbled as I searched for the keys to the basement that was in my pocket, don't ask how we got them, its a long story.

"Damn it, where are they?" I asked myself as I rummaged through my pocket, the stupid keys were here just a minute ago! after some of the most frustrating 7-10 seconds of my life I checked my other pocket and finally felt something, It was the keys.

I looked at the key I had pulled out from my coat pocket "seriously!?" I whisper-shouted/questioned. I let out a frustrated sigh before I placed them into the keyhole and allowed it to become the opening to my sesame, heh, that's a good one, I'll have to tell Gemini that one when I get the chance. I pushed the key in, and filled the hole up to the brim, and twisted it, it took me a few time to unlock it since the lock keeping people from entering was rusty, and the staff didn't even bother buying a new one because it was ''a waste of money'' as they said, 'oh, but wine and cigarettes were perfectly fine! because they're important necessities unlike blankets and medicine that we had to pay for ourselves with our shitty 9-5 jobs.' I ranted to myself as I recalled the past.

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