I'm a liar...

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I can't take it anymore...

I can't keep lying to you all, I have to tell you the truth...

some of you know that I have a second account... @aireis and on that account, I'm very bubbly and innocent... right...? no. I'm not.

I... I lied about almost everything...

I... I lied about being innocent...

I lied about having a boyfriend...

I lied about terry...

I lied...

I... I understanding you hate me now...

and I give you full permission to hate me...

I give you full permission to spam me with hate messages...

to take away your votes from my story...

to unfollow me...

to talk shit about me...

but... even though I have no excuse... let me try and justify myself...

the reason I did all of this is because of my past...

I believed that the real me was never enough...

that the real me would never be liked by anyone...


because that's what I've been told throughout a long period in my life...

that's all I can say...

and... I understand if you don't believe me...

I already lied to you once...

why should you think that I'm not lying this time as well...

I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

merry Christmas... and happy new Year...

I hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening/etc.

-love, m̶a̶g̶

"twelve teens trying to change their fates, what could go wrong?"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ