I'm sorry...

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I feel awful... it has been about a month since I updated...

please believe me when I say that I've been very busy with personal problems 

so just let me explain...

I've been suffering from trauma for about 6 1/2 years now about past incidents and I wake up from these horrible night terrors gasping and hyperventilating and have panic attacks about past incidents 

and I feel horrible and scared in a way that I cant describe whenever I remember about my past incidents with people and places...

I've been trying to recover so badly that I've completely forgotten about my book...

I promise when I say (well... more like type) I'm not giving up on this story... 

I am not going to give up on this story until I'm completely done with it 

thank you for reading 

and hopefully, by around the end of this month, I can post the chapter

thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening/etc.

"twelve teens trying to change their fates, what could go wrong?"Where stories live. Discover now