Ink shifted his eyes up realizing he was spacing out again. "Oh yeah...." he looked to the side before taking a deep breath. "How old are you?" Geno was taken back from the question regretting to answer truthfully as he knew that he was held back a year or two to make money for his brothers. "21..why?"

Geno raised an skelebrow at the smaller with his hands on his hips. "Great!" Inks tension went away as he pulled out a 50 dollar bill handing it to Geno. "Can you get me some beer and whisky?"

Genos demurred changed quickly from motherly to shook and confuse to a face of disappointment. "Hun I'm not getting you-" "it's for my dad" Ink cringed international from calling his "care taker" his "dad". "Hmm... fine but if I find out your lying.." he didn't finish his threat leaving it linger in the air for a moment or two before Ink quickly nodded for geno's reinsurance.

"Okay. You gotta look around the store or follow us?" Geno looked up at ink who was already starting to walk towards the chart. "With you." Geno nodded following slowly behind.

Error was obviously uncomfortable with ink walking up to his chart and started to silently have a panic attack as he got closer. He gave a death glare to his elder brother who smiled innocently at him.

"Who's that yo?" Fresh said with a tilt of his head pointing at the inky skeleton. Geno was quick to introduce one another. "Ink, this Is fresh." "Yo!" Geno made an gesture pointing at fresh. "Fresh this is ink." Fresh held his hand out and ink quickly took it shaking one another's hand. "Nice to meet you." Ink smiled, causing Error to roll his eyes.

they walked around the store getting their basic needs. Error staying at least 6 feet from ink at all times and if he came to close Error would jolt away. The last thing they needed to get was inks "dad's" booze. Geno casually places the liquor in the basket making error scoff. "Finally something good!"

Geno shot a glare at Error before speaking. "Don't get your hopes up its for ink's dad. I really hope you haven't been drinking Error." He started in a rough tone of voice the last sentence as a threat.

Ink perk looked up at Error who meet his gaze only for a second before turning away. "Hey didn't you get in t-" error shot him a glare that said if he had finished that sentence he wouldn't make it out alive. Ink stopped on the "t" dragging it out till it slowly got softer till it was no more, shifting his eyes down with the sound.

"Hm?" Geno hummed as if asking what he was going to say. "Nothing." Ink replied shortly fumbling his hands together.

"Chill bruh, he's fetch" fresh spoke which only made errors little temper worse. "No you." Fresh sighed not pushing it any farther then that.


"Shootgun!" Ink shouted, having little to no manners. "No I get sho-" Error was about to protest but quickly got cut off by Geno who pushed his arm lightly.

Ink got in the side passenger seat followed by Geno in driver seat, fresh behind ink in the back seat, and error behind Geno. Error obviously skulling in his seat with his arms crossed and everything. Though stopped the sulking after genos news.

"Okay So were having spaghetti tonight, is that okay?" He turned to Ink who smiled back and nodded. It seemed like spaghetti was every ones favorite.

Once home, ink was the last one to walk in. He was almost memorized by home clean the house was, compared to the house he didn't live in with his "father". So this was basically perfect to him. Much smaller then his house sure but damn did he think the place was beautiful. "Sorry it's not much but make yourself at home." Geno smirked unloading all the bags of food and what not.

And ink did just that exploring across the house within seconds he explored down stairs racing up the stairs to where the boy's rooms were.

The first door he opened had an obvious 70s-90s style room with posters and funk stuff that you would definitely see in the 90s. It almost surprised him how neon the room was almost blinding him at the sight, but none the less very colorful, which ranked it high on inks like list.

Idiot one, and idiot twoWhere stories live. Discover now