Heyy!! This is a Warning!!

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This is a 16+ story and would not recommend to anyone younger than that unless you are very mature. If you are 12 and younger, DO NOT READ. When the Karens read this they'll probably say "omg, under 16?? No way!!" Well here is for you Karen: Most people know what 'the deed' is after 12 so yah, deal with it hun!

Sorry if there are some grammer mistakes, I'm still in highschool myself so... Just-look over them if you see any mistakes. I'm not perfect, Okay?? 😁

And this story will be graphic. There will curse words, and death, and sex, and rape, and bad stuff. So I'm letting you know now so you don't come at me with excess hate that I don't need. I warned you. I'll let you know at the top of the story what bad stuff will happen as a warning.

And sorry If I don't publish very often, like, I have a life too you know. And school starts back soon too. Also, sorry if chapters are short. I'll try to upload as much as I can. Um.. So.. I guess thats it. I hope you enjoy this story and let me know what you think! And please, vote!

P.S.- It is important to me if you guys do comment. I need to know what you might like and if I need to make changes. Or even what you want to see in the next chapter. I will gladly take recommendations!! (I'll try to make it happen, but I can't promise that it will...)

Enjoy!!!!!!!! 😁

*** Actually its probably a 18+ story instead of 16+. But it also depends on you as the reader if you are mature or not so. It's up to you. :)

And once again these are not my images! They are Google's. I tried to find what I could. All the credit goes to the creator.

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