Chapter 1: Rainbow beams

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—Zedaph's POV—

"Tango, why am I here again?"

"To witness the power of science!" The blonde exclaimed.

It was a week after my last episode was uploaded. The cartoony scientist Tango insisted that I should witness his new machine. Or what he calls his, 'inator'. He did not tell me the reason for my company but I went with it anyway. He could have called Impulse, Bdubs, maybe even Mumbo, but no! He asked for me instead.

"Tango, you still haven't told me why you called me here. Not that I'm complaining though! I'm just a bit curious. Why?" I asked.

Tango stopped walking at the perfect time we reached his, ummm- inator. His eyes finally fixed on me as that little smirk on his face gave me the idea that this might not have been a good idea to come. But after a few minutes of explaining, his intentions were finally clear.

"After you showed me your baby zombie security, it gave me an idea for a new inator. Your security wasn't exactly the most effective so I thought I could help you by adding more baby zombies," He then pointed at the professional looking contraption.

"I call it the Infantesimal Inator!"

"The what?"

The red-eyed hermit widened his cheeky grin, "Infant and Infinitesimal, mixed together to make the word Infantesimal. I can turn normal zombies to baby zombies! Hehe!"
The 'hehe' part cracked my calm demeanor and sent me to a fit of giggles, "Tango what in the world is even that name!?"

"You like it? I'm a genius!" He laughed. "So anyways, I wanted to see if you approve of this idea. I have this random zombie trapped inside the fence as our guinea pig and see if we can turn it into a baby. Unfortunately this is not permanent so the effects will wear off for a few months before it turns back into a grownup zombie. But this is only a test so I can just fix it later..."

After a long explanation of how the inator works, I officially approved the idea and we both shook hands. He requested that I should maybe stay a bit further away from the room, in case if something goes wrong, and so I did. I watched as Tango hopped on the little seat at the back of his inator. First he started up the contraption, creating this weird engine noise you'd rarely hear in minecraft. Once it was turned on, he then pointed a cone-shaped beam on the mob, and yelled,


I carefully hid behind the safety glass and gave him a thumbs up. "Ready! I yelled back.


And soon a big orb of light started growing from the tip, then forming into this giant beam, pointing at the zombie. Everything was going very smoothly!... Well that's what me and Tango thought at first. "YES, YES, IT'S WORKING!! HAHA IT'S WORKING ZED!!" He cried out.

Oh boy... that was a big jinx.

Just then, bright white beams changed into different colors of the rainbow continuously. I did not think much about it at first, but when my gaze landed on Tango's sudden frightened expression, rushing through all the buttons and levers in front of him, that look alone told me that something was wrong. The inator suddenly went into a spiral, and yeeted the scientist out of his chair and onto the concrete floor. It kept spinning from all kinds of directions, with the rainbow beam wackily dancing all over the place, it was like a disco ball.

I hastily climbed on top of the safety glass and yelled, "TANGO, YOU OKAY!?"

The blonde scientist hesitantly backed up to the wall, wincing as he kept rubbing his sore bum. "I THINK SO!!" He yelled back.

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