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Chapter 971: Class Reunion, His Highness Saw The Wechat

“Last time, elder brother said that our house is an actors company. Father founded it for him to toy around because he wants to be an opera actor in the future. Besides, Father was also afraid that he would consume all the opera actors when he loses control.” Little Qingchen reached out his tiny hands and pushed the demon plush toy that was blocking his face away. He lowered his voice and soliloquized quietly, “Nevertheless, Father naming ability should still be slightly better than Mother’s.”

“Little Qingchen, are you questioning my aesthetics?” Helian Wei Wei twitched her gorgeous eyebrows and added, “In addition, it’s not called an opera player, it’s an actor. Just because your elder brother came from the ancient times, you think that you did too? Please use modern language!”

The little one shook his little fingers in a serious manner, and said, “It’s not a problem of taste now. Rather, it is the problem of coincidence. Anyway, Pretty Wei Wei, I need you to tell me. Is it what I think it is?”

“Ahem, to be honest, I have the same thought as well.” Helian Wei Wei looked down in a solemn face.

As such…the mother and son’s facial expressions synchronized magically. It was quite an adorable sight…

Nevertheless, Little Qingchen’s eyes shone abruptly, as if he had thought of something, saying, “Pretty Wei Wei, what would you do if my father gives his phone number to another woman behind your back?”

“He hasn’t given yet, right?” Helian Wei Wei’s voice sounded very languid.

Little Qingchen muttered in hushed whispers, “How about having a meal? Having a meal with another woman? Just now, the auntie sounded like she had a meal with imperial father. Furthermore, it’s like a meal from a blind date.”

When she heard it, Helian Wei Wei’s ears perked up and she hesitated for some time, before taking out her handphone and entering Baili Jia Jie’s Wechat conversation. With a few hurried strokes, she typed a few words and sent a message to him that said, “I heard that you had a blind date?”

Little Qingchen noticed that Pretty Wei Wei had sent a Wechat message so he stared at the screen excitedly, waiting for the reply in anticipation. He wanted to know how his imperial father would reply to this message.

Yes! I’ll wait!

Little Qingchen looked as though he had discovered a very fascinating matter, as he adorably sat in Helian Wei Wei’s embrace obediently. After some contemplation, he felt that he must inform his elder brother about it. So, he mimicked Helian Wei Wei and took out his little phone.

This type of phone was not sold anywhere, it looked fake on the surface but its contents were real. It could be used to call or send messages without any problem.

Baili Shangxie had one and Helian Qingchen had one, as well. They were used to communicate with their family members.

Little Qingchen’s little fingers poked at the screen repeatedly as he was typing. He unconsciously puffed his little cheeks, which Helian Wei Wei found extremely adorable. Thus, she could not help but hug her son and give him a peck.

Baili Shangxie was lifting the fourth monster when he received the Wechat message. As he was in the middle of it, the handphone in his little pocket vibrated. He kicked the monster away and took out his handphone. When he read the message, his thin lips twitched fiercely and angrily.

A few monsters that were standing beside him trembled in fear as they hugged each other. They were worried that their little master would rush toward them and sent them flying away with a painful kick.

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