Chapter 335: Not Falling For Weiwei- Wei Wei Was Unworthy

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“Young Master Han,” greeted a man that was dressed like a butler. That person had just walked out of the auction hall, and a warm smile had spread across his face when he saw Han Yu. He turned to the others and asked, “Who are these people?”

Han Yu answered calmly, “They’re my friends.”

“Oh, so you’re all Young Master Han’s friends! Please come right in,” The butler enthusiastically led them inside. On the way there, he could not help turning to catch a few peeks at Yun Biluo, who had a veil covering the lower half of her face. Wow, such a rare beauty! I wonder what family is she from… Probably a very prestigious one since Young Master Han brought her here.

When they entered the auction venue, they exchanged furtive glances with each other, meaningful in a way that could only be deciphered by those among their group. Then, they dispersed to their respective positions.

However, Helian Wei Wei did not remain in her servant garb. In the blink of an eye, she had changed into a classy white outfit, topped off with a green overcoat. To complement her current ensemble as an affluent young lord, she had also procured a handheld folding fan and attached a jade pendant to her waist.

She looked just like a young lord from a wealthy family, coming for the auction. Of course, ‘he’ seemed to have a peculiar habit of not bringing any servants along with him. The ‘young lord’ roamed casually around the venue, eventually making his way to the second floor.

There were several blade-wielding warriors pacing along the second-floor corridor. The bloodlust that they emitted was suffocating, instantly giving off a vibe that this place should not be barged into recklessly.

A warrior who was standing guard on the corridor barred her entry with an arm. “Excuse me, sir. I’d like to see your pass,” he requested monotonously.


Helian Wei Wei’s eyes flashed as she tried to come up with a response. Her mind clicked when she saw the plump businessman that had made his way up the staircase beside her. Her body lurched forward abruptly as one of her hands came up to support her forehead, making it seem like she was inebriated. Her other hand casually tossed a wooden plaque at the warrior, which had been acquired from the unfortunate businessman without his knowledge.

Her arrogant yet careless attitude gave the warrior the assumption that this young lord’s identity must be rather extraordinary. He immediately stepped aside and allowed passage without further inspection.

As for the plump businessman, he was still canoodling with his newly-wedded lover, completely unaware that his pass had been stolen. He pinched the lady’s chin gently and crooned, “In a moment, you’ll see all kinds of exotic specialties that General Murong has brought here today.”

“What kind of specialties?” Of course, the woman knew how to please her husband. She leaned on him adoringly, soft as silk.

The rich businessman smiled enigmatically and replied, “General Murong got them from the Forest of Fantasy. You’d become even more stunning after you drink whatever that stuff is.”

“Really? Then let’s hurry up!” The lady’s eyes gleamed with interest.

The rich businessman snaked an arm around her waist and was about to stride casually to the designated room when he was stopped by the warrior who was standing guard. The plump man was dismissive of the inspection, he smoothed his palm along his waist for his pass. However, his expression changed abruptly, then he removed his arm from the woman’s waist to check every part of his clothes that could contain the small wooden plaque. He cried out, “Where’s my pass? Why is my pass missing?”

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