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Chapter 811: The Beginning Of His Highness And Wei Wei’s Relationship

Phoenix sat with her legs crossed as she massaged her temple. Her blood-stained cassock trailed behind her while her soft black hair cascaded down her back. Surrounded by faint fragrance of sandalwood, she rose to her feet.

A little monk stood before her and spoke hesitantly, “Lord Phoenix, you’re certainly a fierce person.” It’s better for you to be less zealous. You should attend the banquet as it’s necessary to stop the gossip and turmoil. Most importantly, you’re disrespecting Tian Dao if you refuse to attend the banquet. If you upset the Buddha, you’ll be punished and ordered to chant the sutra again.

Do you really think that you’re good at chanting the sutra?

Why do you have to force the little monks to listen to you every time you recite the sutra?

Can you be more considerate to them?

They’re on their way to become Buddhas!

They’re going to be Buddha!

They’re going to be Buddha!

This is so important that it has to be repeated thrice!

“Of course I can attend the banquet.” Phoenix stared at the little boy in front of her who was pretending to be composed but was, in fact, overwhelmed by his emotions. Then, she sneered before she continued, “Reduce my confinement by two days.”

The little monk shook his hand. “We’ve to follow Buddha’s order.”

“I hate to be immured.” Phoenix’s tone turned bitter.

The little monk chanted Amitabha before he explained, “That’s why Buddha instructed us to keep you under surveillance. Why are you so reluctant to tell us what happened in the magical realm? Why wouldn’t you explain how you got hurt, or describe what kind of people you encountered there? It’s only sensible for Buddha to lock you up for three days. Yet, you request for the punishment to be reduced by two days. You’re being insatiate. Buddha said that…”

“What did Buddha say?” Phoenix stood up before she began to comb her long hair with her fingers. “You definitely have the potential to be a Buddha.”

The little monk’s eyes widened as he asked expectantly, “Really?”

“Of course. It’s such a waste if a loquacious person like you doesn’t chant sutra.” Phoenix reached out to gently rub the little monk’s bald head. “Fine. I’ll attend the banquet. But first, bring me the mythical water that I took from Tian Dao.”

The adorable little monk nodded before he asked again, “Are you going to water your plant? It’s too lavish to water one sole Bodhi tree with the mythical water. I heard that the mythical water from Tian Dao should be used to nourish the golden lotus. The Bodhi tree can survive even without water. Furthermore, someone told me that the golden lotus has turned into a human yesterday. The lady has also successfully cultivated into a Buddha. The enchanting lady is going to attend the banquet as well.”

“Is Buddhism trying to bewitch the emperor with a beauty?” Phoenix rested her hands behind her head before she put on a nonchalant smile as though she was completely unconcerned by the issue.

The little monk followed behind her obediently, “That’s not true. According to Yue Lao, there’s something called the affection in the mortal world. It’s really wonderful.”

“You should tell Yue Lao that this is more precisely a matchmaking.” Phoenix received the mythical water from the little monk before she painted a faint grin over her lips. “The man will meet the woman for a meal. As long as they are mutually interested, they will be immediately sent into a private room. Do you understand?”

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