Chapter 333: His Highness Likes Her?

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“The Green Dragon’s temperament is affected by the Qi in its surroundings. When it was trapped at the bottom of the lake, the air of serenity here at the White Academy allowed it to maintain its nature. If the air of serenity is destroyed, then the Green Dragon will be demonized and fall under my control.”

The Demon-Transforming Beast’s eyes gleamed. “I see! Master always has the best ideas. I will inform the Bone Eroding Beasts now.”

The man hummed. The corners of his lips curled upward, a hint of deviousness glittering in his eyes. “It is time for this mankind-dominated world to come to an end…”


The raindrops from the night rain fell upon the wide leaves in the foliage.

When Helian Wei Wei woke up, she tugged subconsciously at her restrained left hand. Then, her eyes fell on the man lying beside her, and at the same time, she realized that someone had changed her clothes. Her stomach was no longer aching, which gave her an indescribable feeling of comfort.

She had taken a very long nap.

She licked her chapped lips, wishing that she had some water to drink.

Baili Jia Jue woke up when she was still in her thoughts. He glanced at her, then reached out and picked up a porcelain cup which he moved to her mouth.

“Drink it.”

His tone was no different than talking to a pet.

Helian Wei Wei continued to ponder for a while. Then, she unlocked her restraints with a flick of her fingers. Under Baili Jia Jue slightly chilly stare, she started to drink the water that he had offered to her.

After draining the cup, she returned her wrists back to their original positions and secured the restraints around them, as obedient as a well-trained dog.

As expected, the Third Prince was very satisfied with her behavior. His hand carded soothingly through her long hair as a reward. Then, he wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes.

It was hard to describe how Helian Wei Wei felt right now.

However, Yuan Ming chose this moment to butt his head in, his mischievous voice echoing in her head, “He kinda likes you anyway, so let’s jump his bones right now. What could possibly be more important than strengthening yourself? Such a stupid woman.”

“Shut up,” Helian Wei Wei only gave him two words.

Yuan Ming curled his lips lazily as he drawled, “If you don’t jump him now, you’d still end up doing it eight days later. Why hesitate when you can get things over with as soon as possible?”

“Do you want me to toss you into a fire, hmm?” Helian Wei Wei threatened.

Yuan Ming snorted, “Alright, alright, I’ll stop talking. Eight days, remember, eight days.”

Helian Wei Wei felt a headache roar to life at that reminder. When she severed her mental connection with Yuan Ming, she lifted her eyes to see that Baili Jia Jue was gazing at her. His soft-looking lips curved into a smirk. “If you’re always this obedient, then I wouldn’t need to get mad at all.”

Did tying herself up count as being obedient?


Of course his mind would work peculiarly like this.

Right at that moment, Helian Weiwei felt an urge to use the toilet. She unlocked her cuffs, slipped away to do her business, and cuffed herself back onto the bed after she was done. Her movements were well-practiced, quick and efficient.

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