"Changbin tell your grievances to the sharks I'm sure they'd enjoy it" he said sarcastically

"I just don't understand the reason he chose yo-"

"I chose him because he's so good at slacking off" Chan appeared out of nowhere swinging an arm over changbins shoulder

"CAPTAIN" Changbin squeaked jumping as Chan's arm tightened

His muscles holy shit...Wait Felix shut up

"Say anything about my first mate again and you'll be on potato peeling" Chan smirked as changbin nodded enthusiastically.

"Off with ya then" Chan pushed him away almost causing changbin to fall down the stairs.

Felix moved his gaze from Chan back out to sea.

He jolted slightly when he felt two hands moved down his arms. Looking down two large hands overlayed his small ones

"You've always steered a little screwed" Chan whispered in his ear turning Felix's hands slightly to the right

Felix turned to face him getting slightly startled by their closeness

"I do not"

"You've been steering us off slightly for hours, are you getting distracted again"

"N-no" felix tried to lie but it was obvious

"What goes on in that head of yours" Chan put his face into Felix's hair

"Thoughts" he shrugged swaying slightly with the ship.

"Well clear yourself up because I want to make it to our destination"

"Yes cap"

The two stayed there for a little while neither wanting to move. Well not until they heard the unmistakable sound of someone throwing up.

"Jisung sea sick again?" Chan questioned pulling away to look down onto the deck.

Felix shrugged in reply not moving

"Look you go see him and I'll steer alright"

"Sure" Felix swapped with Chan walking off to go find Jisung.

Truth be told he was leaning over the railing throwing up.

"Ji that's the six time this trip" Felix sighed rubbing jisungs back

"I know I know I never used to get sea sick before"

"You need boose"

"You're right what a great idea" Jisung sprang up wiping his mouth

"Jisung I wasn't being ser-"

"I'll grab the alcohol we can all get drunk tonight...apart from changbin he can steer" Jisung pulled a devilish smirk before running off

This can't end well


"Innie dance with me" Felix laughed pulling jeongin up to dance as Jisung played the guitar.

Some of the crew were very drunk, those people included; Felix,jeongin, Jisung and hyunjin. Seungmin, Minho, changbin and Chan were only slightly tipsy as they still had to look after the boat.

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