"They won't have fun soon enough." 

[ kuramoto yuuji ] 

"Can you really focus with the chaos in the back? And what is that?" Aizawa asked and I put the document between us for him to see. "And is it okay for me to see this?" 

"Yeah, it's fine don't worry. It's just a simple case with regards the gang in the city and basically I'm just connecting the dots." I said and he brushed his fingers across the papers as if connecting dots in every information stated. 

"Involves a gang and a loan shark? Isn't that too serious?" He asked and I chuckled. 

"I'm actually thinking that the victim or someone in relation to the victim has connections with either of them and that makes it so much harder." I said and Aizawa just hummed as he looked through the files. 

"Sounds something so basic but it actually gets deeper when more people are involved." He said as he looked through. 

"One of the detectives said that it's textbook crime but honestly, I solve crimes with violence so I can't really take on this." I said and he chuckled. 

"So, not really a detective type?" He asked and I shrug. 

"I can do a little deduction and all just as a detective of the Armed Detective Agency should but not really that good that can solve it under a minute." I said and he looked at me. 

"Is there someone like that there?" He asked. 

"Yep. He can solve a crime, any crime in under a minute and I am honestly shocked." I informed the man beside me as he keeps reading the files when I know he's just skimming through them and not even connecting the dots. 

"Did you go to Yokohama at some point?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"Yosano went here in the first place to give them to me since we couldn't mail such confidential documents. But I insisted for her to stay for a few days since she really wanted to roam around as she did." I explained and suddenly his hands with the files dropped to his lap. 

"Oh, is that it?" He said in a low toned voice and I raised an eyebrow as I nod slowly. 

"Why is there something wrong?" I asked and he shook his head. 

"Just continue to solve that case." He simply said as he laid back on his chair and closed his eyes. 

I looked outside and was clearly confused by the sudden change in Aizawa's behavior. 

[ kuramoto yuuji - an hour later ]

I looked at the students who looked out the view of the forest. I sighed and cracked my neck, sighing when my bones popped. 

I looked at everyone and listened to what they had to say. Some where confused as to why we suddenly stopped at this part of the mountain. I looked at Aizawa who looked blank as ever but I was still worried. 

"It would be pointless to take a break for no reason." Aizawa started off. Everyone stared simply in response. 

"Hey, Eraser." I looked at the car that opened up its doors. 

"Long time, no see." Aizawa greeted and I smirked. So this is the wild pussycats. 

"Lock on with this sparkling gaze!" 

"Cute, cat, and stinger!" 

"Wild, wild, pussycats!" 

"These are the Pro-Heroes we'll be working with, the Pussycats." AIzawa explained and I chuckled when Midoriya went on to fanboy about them. In return for being almost threatened that the girls are very young and everyone kinda knew that they weren't. 

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