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George had really started to come out of his shell, glowing more and more with confidence as months went by. He'd finally found his safe space in Clay's arms, the warm touches and soft kisses turning into the home he'd never had.

A haven, where he could take refuge from all the troubles of the outside world and just... forget for a while, if things got too overwhelming.

Therapy also helped, although there were days when he'd revert to the problematic habits and have trouble rolling out of bed. Clay never left his side in the healing process, standing by his side every step of the way.

The sparks had never disappeared, after months upon months of living together. It still felt like a new relationship - all the excitement and butterflies, although without the stress and insecurities.

The late summer had faded to a warm glowing fall, which in turn had its place taken by an early winter. Somewhere along the way, they'd fully committed to making their relationship an official one, and standing strong against the issues that had failed to rip holes in it.

George was laying in bed with his legs slung over Clay's. They were both on their phones, basking in each other's silent company.

"So I was thinking..." Clay crossed his arms across his chest. "Since I'm leaving in a week and all-"

"Ugh, don't remind me." George took his boyfriend's face in his hands, leaning over to place a quick peck on his lips. "Long distance is gonna suck."

Sunlight was streaming through the raised blinds despite the cold winter morning. The windows had been open much more often during Clay's stay, and both of them were thankful for it. The room definitely needed more life to brighten up the gray interior.

The whole apartment had been furnished after sleepless nights spent assembling furniture and eating junk food - just a one time thing, Clay had assured, and he was right. George was yet to revert to his unhealthy eating habits.

"Well actually..." Clay grabbed him, pulling him down for another kiss. "We've been living together for what, five, six months?"

George nodded. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I know this is a pretty weird thing to suggest, and I normally wouldn't do this, but it seems to be a pretty good decision, so bear with me here-"

"Spit it out, Clay." George couldn't help but smile at how Clay stretched out the time when he was nervous. "Come on."

George rolled over on his side, leaning on his elbow. He watched as the man next to him looked for the proper words. "I dunno, wanna move in together or something?"

Silence. Clay let the question hang in the air a little. "I know it might be weird but-"

"Are you kidding?" George excitedly sat up. "Hell yes I wanna move in!"

He threaded his fingers through Clay's. It was a form of endearment he'd picked up a couple of months into the relationship.

Neither of them could hide their giddiness. however, a clouded expression soon passed over Clay's face.

"Not to ruin the moment, but..." He furrowed his brows. "I'm not even sure how to get UK citizenship."

"I dunno, couldn't we like, get married or something?" George asked in a playful tone, but was only half joking.

Clay pulled up his phone. "It says here that..." He started after scrolling through something. "Huh. 'To apply as the spouse or civil partner of a British citizen you must have lived in the UK for the last 3 years.' So that's out of the picture."

George laid back down, clutching one of Clay's arms. "Bummer."

He felt a hand caress his cheek as it slid up to run through his hair. He relished the feeling with a smile, closing his eyes.

"What if, though, and just hear me out." George felt his boyfriend turn over to face him. "You moved in with me?"

He bit the inside of his cheek. "I dunno, Clay..."

"Think about it. The regulations are way less strict." He held a strand of George's hair in between his fingers. "And I have a pretty nice apartment."

"It's not like I'm leaving much of a family behind." There seemed to be years of hurt behind those words, and Clay decided not to delve deep into a painful topic in case it ruined the moment. "Sure, why not?"

With that, George leaned down for a final kiss and rolled out of bed. He put on a fresh change of clothes, stretching the sleepiness out of himself.

"My lease is up in three weeks, actually." He added. "Nice timing."



The plan was set. It'd been out of the blue. Unexpected, but not unwelcome. George felt giddy with excitement at the thought that he'd get to spend his days living with Clay, although the idea of moving to a new country felt... well, new.

But if there was a thing he'd experienced during the last months, it'd been change. Heaps upon heaps of it. It seemed that this was the way to go forward.

He kept that same outlook three weeks after, while running through the airport building at 4 AM with a suitcase containing what little things he had on hand and a hand weaved through Clay's.

And he still felt the happiness warm his body while sitting at a table with a home cooked supper, dim lights illuminating the room in the evening.

George let Clay fill their glasses up and threaded his fingers through his in the manner he'd come to love so much.

He watched the man across from him lift up the glass. "Cheers to moving in together."

Sometimes, it's alright to leave a fairytale unfinished, without the prince and the princess getting married and settling down in one place. It's fine to live in the moment and pause and pick up pace whenever it feels suitable, and George knew that.

And he also knew they had a hell of an adventure in their books, as long as they searched for it.

For now, he clutched Clay's hand with a hopeful smile and clinked their glasses together.

"Cheers. To this new experience, and many more to come."


The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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