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    Needless to say, George felt extremely embarrassed. And kind of disappointed, too. He finally got the chance to get rid of his "loneliness problem" and he blew it. On what? A fantasy involving his best friend of all people. Not to mention, a fantasy that would never come true.

    He ducked into an alley and leaned against one of the walls to stay out of sight. He wasn't really sure what he was hiding from - it's not like Stephen would come after him after that "fantasizing about someone else" thing he pulled, but he couldn't stand to face people right now.

    Taking a deep breath, he recollected himself. He felt the effects of the fancy alcoholic beverage slowly wearing off. "It's all gonna be fine," he thought. "Apart from Stephen's feelings." God, he felt like an ass. But there was nothing he could do right now. He had enough pride not to go back up to the apartment and beg for his ex's forgiveness.

    Instead, he headed for his own. He felt like being in a private space. The whole "exploring the city" thing had gone terribly wrong.

    Thankfully, the power had been turned back on in his apartment building. He threw himself onto the bed and buried his face in the pillows. It was gonna take a lot of time to recover from the awkwardness he experienced that day. At least no one else would know about it except for them two.

    He rolled into his side and picked up the phone that was now fully charged. There was no major news - just a few new posts from his friends and fan tweets.

    Well, there was also one more thing he really didn't want to face - a text from no other than Clay. He could read most of it from his notification bar without opening the app and letting the sender know he'd seen it.
The first message was from the morning.


Dream 💚

georgieeeee help
im coding a plugin


    Then, after a few hours, he had sent another one.


Dream 💚

george where u at?
it shows my messages a-


    Then again, an hour ago:


Dream 💚

geeeeeeeorge answer m-
where are youuuu? slee-


    George would have probably been smiling at the needy messages if he wasn't so damn embarrassed. There wasn't any reason for it, since Clay didn't really know about his day, but he couldn't help feeling... guilty for some reason.

    In the end, he decided to open the messages.


Dream 💚

georgieeeee help
im coding a plugin

Dream 💚

george where u at?
it shows my messages arent being delivered :/ rip georgie

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