Impromptu Night Out

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It was dark out when George stirred from sleep. Strong arms were wrapped around him, holding him close. He tilted his head back to look at Clay's face.

All the emotion was wiped from it as he rested, deep into slumber. George reached up to brush his fingers across his cheek.

He huddled close to the warm body next to him, letting the evening daze take over him as his heavy eyelids drooped down.


Clay was sitting in an abandoned church building, playing cards with a rat. He pretended not to notice it slyly sneaking views at his deck, deciding to let him win.

They were about to go for another hand when a horrible buzzing sound took over the cathedral as a giant bee flew in. It took off its top hat and sat down, never stopping its buzzing.

"You might want to wake up now, Clay." He picked up a few cards, holding them up in its tiny insect hands.

A disembodied voice sounded around the three, making them look up to search for the source. The echos bounced off the walls and around the hall.

"Clay..." A soft kiss was pressed against his cheek, but no one was there. He only felt a fleeting touch before it disappeared.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them back up, he was in a bedroom, holding George in his arms.

A phone was buzzing on the nightstand next to him, face down. He grabbed it to look at the caller ID, George curiously keeping an eye on the screen as well.


Rosie 💘

Incoming call

Decline                           Accept


He accepted the call and put it on speaker, signaling to George to be quiet. He felt his arm being clutched tight as he answered.

"Hello?" Clay pulled George closer to his chest, smiling.

"Yay, he answered! I told you he'd answer." An indescernible man's voice came from the other line. "Clay, me and Stephen are right outside your apartment door, we're all gonna go clubbing!"

Clay glanced over to George. He had an eyebrow raised, but upon spotting Clay's gaze, he shrugged.

"...O-okay?" An excited squeal came at his reply. This time the voice was so loud he could hear it, barely audible, coming from outside the apartment door.

He hung up, sighing. Good thing he hadn't given Rose a spare key to the apartment, or she would've walked in on one hell of a scene.

Sudden realization hit him. "Fuck, George. I'm my ex now, aren't I?"

"Clay... You guys were going out for what, a few days?" George tugged at his face to make him look down at him. "And you weren't even exclusive. Chill."

Clay turned over to his side to press a kiss to George's forehead. "Yeah, you're right. But I'm still gonna break it off with her tonight."

"Is that why you accepted?"

Clay hummed. "Yeah, I kinda wanted to do it in person."

They both slowly got up, retrieving the clothes they'd carelessly strewn around last night. Piece by piece, they got dressed, and headed for the front door.

None of them reached out to open it. Clay already knew why George was reluctant and he felt extremely selfish for dragging him out with Stephen. He made a mental note to himself not to let him out of sight.

But he didn't want to leave the comfort of the apartment - his home. It felt as if he was leaving a cocoon of encompassing warmth to head out into a blistering cold, even on a warm spring night.

He hesitantly reached out his hand, turning the key in the lock. Giddy chatter instantly poured into the apartment as soon as he cracked the door open.

A woman jumped on him, and he unenthusiastically put one arm on her back. He sneaked a glance at George over her shoulder, who was looking back at him affectionately.

"Ready to head out, boys?" She cheered, almost making Clay plug his ears and kick her back out the way she came to get back into bed, but he had to do what needed to be done.

At their collective nods, she darted down the stairs, the three following behind.

Stephen refused to walk alongside the two of them or even acknowledge their presence. He strolled on ahead, not bothering to even look over and greet them.

George seemed to take advantage of the situation, though. He slipped an arm through Clay's, leaning his head against his shoulder.

He only lifted it when they stepped out into the cool night air. Rose was bounding around on the walkway, unable to contain her excitement. She threaded her fingers through Clay's, standing in George's former spot.

He frequently sneaked glances over at Stephen and George. Everything seemed to be in order, he just had to endure the sweet talk and constant touches from Rose, and do what he had planned.

Muted club music was already coming from around the block. Clay wondered how much louder it would be inside, since it was already audible at such a distance.

He checked up on George again, only to find him frozen up in place. He resumed walking shortly after, but his eyes remained wide and glossed over.

Clay decided to find out what was wrong once inside, continuing to walk after being urgently pulled by his arm.

The four of them stood side by side a crowded nightclub with flashing neon signs and a colorful board that read "Free Drinks For The Night!"

He immediately recognized the building. Rose smiled at him, tightening her fingers around his hand. Was she mocking them?

Comfort (Dream X GeorgeNotFound)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz